(v1) SLAs

(v1) SLAs

SLA Best Practices

SLAs (Service License Agreements) set the time expectation for all 'Service Desk' items. These time expectations are set by the organization and can be related to contractual requirements.

Naming SLAs

It can be helpful to name SLAs according to the time expectation that it will be used to set rather than the Service it will be used for. When SLAs are named according to the more generic name associated with the time expectation it will set, then the management of SLAs will be easier to understand at a glance and the SLA is easier to reuse on multiple SDCs.

For example, if the expectation is that adding a Phone should be addressed within 2 business days, then an SLA named '2 Business Days' will be easier manage then 'Phone'. This is because there might be multiple Phone types, such as Avaya, VOIP, or Cisco. In that case, the Admin would then set up Multiple SLAs for each type. By restraining the naming to the time, the Admin leaves the Phone type to the SDC. The Time Specifications tab will allow the Admin to associate the SLA with the SDC .

(v1) .SLAs v2.1.4.7

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