(v1) .Inventory Overview v2018.1
Inventory Overview allows you to view an up-to-date summary of your Inventory levels for a specific Location and also allows you to quickly access to Inventory functions such as adding, transferring, and ordering Equipment.
Inventory Overview video
- On Hand: Comes from the (v1) Warehouse (Location Path) and means there are X number of records in that Location (Warehouse) or its children Warehouses.
- Pending: Comes from the number of Equipment record(s) that are on Pending Orders or (v1) Actions for a given Location(Warehouse)
- Staged: Comes from the Equipment that is on Pending Orders or Actions for a given Location(Warehouse). Can also be seen in the Main > Inventory > Warehouse Actions grid.
- Picked Up: Comes from the Equipment that is on Pending Orders or Actions for a given Location(Warehouse). Can also be seen in the Main > Inventory > Warehouse Actions grid.
- On Order: Comes from how many of the given Equipment Catalog(s) is on a (v1) Purchase Order for a given Location(Warehouse), that have NOT been Received.
- Reorder: Comes from the Reorder Threshold of the Equipment Catalog For a given Location. Since the Warehouse is specified in the record on the Inventory Overview grid a User can only specify the value of the Threshold from here.
In addition to being able to easily view 5 different categories of Inventory levels per Equipment type, you can also perform these functions:
- Set Threshold: This will set the Reorder Threshold for any given Equipment.
- Bulk Add: Add multiple pieces of Equipment to any Warehouse.
- Bulk Transfer: Transfer quantities of Equipment from one Warehouse to another.
- Create Purchase Order: Start a new Purchase Order to order this Equipment.
- View Purchase History: View the Purchase Order history of this Equipment either by Purchase Order or by Vendor.
- View Equipment Catalog Definition: Opens the Equipment Catalog record for this Equipment to view key information such as Charges, Permissions, Inventory/Cabling flags, User Defined Fields, and more.
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