(v1) Allowed Functions in Custom Logic
Allowed Functions
explode , implode , is_array , in_array , array_diff , array_diff_key , count
curl_init , curl_setopt , curl_exec , curl_errno , curl_error , curl_getinfo , curl_close , http_build_query
date , time , mktime , strtotime , DateTime , DateInterval , add , sub, diff, format , setTimestamp , setTime , setDate
error_log, debug
Note: The debug command outputs to a cache which is then displayed in the Debug tab/grid for the (v1) Custom Logic you are debugging.
if , elseif , else , switch , case , default , break , for , foreach , as , while , do-while , return , new
round , trunc ,ceil , floor , rand , srand , pow , exp , abs , max , min , bindec , hexdec , octdec , base_convert
PCR-360 Data
call , query , listGetByCode , listFindValue , listFindCode
// $apiFunction Examples: saveService, saveServiceDesk, saveContact, saveCable, saveGla, saveEquipment, etc. $this->call(string $apiFunctionToCall, array $params)
array $this->query ( string $sql, array $bind_parameters );
mixed $this->listGetByCode ( string $list_type, mixed $list_code );
string $this->listGetByCode ( int $recid );
string $this->listGetByCode ( int $recid );
is_numeric , strtolower , strtoupper , substr , stristr , strstr , stripos , strpos , strripos , strrpos , addslashes , chr , trim , ltrim , rtrim , str_replace , preg_match , preg_replace , preg_split , str_pad , sprintf , substr_replace , strlen
Additional Functions
Contact PCR if you find a function that is not allowed, but would like to use.
Validation functions
Sets a validation error message. This messages output in the UI if the validation logic returns false. If this function is called multiple times, only the message from the last calls is displayed.
$this->setError ( string $message );
Sets the validation warning message. This messages output in the UI only if the logic does not return false. If this function is called multiple times, only the message from the last calls is displayed.
$this->setWarning ( string $message );
Triggering Events
PCR_Event, trigger, attach, attachDb
In this example the GLA Replace Event is triggered with specific parameters. For detailed information on which (v1) Events can be triggered, and how to trigger those Events, please navigate to the (v1) Triggerable Events List page.
PCR_Event::attachDb("replace-gla", [ "Application_Model_Gla_Gla" => "eventReplaceGla" ]); PCR_Event::trigger("replace-gla", [ "contact" => 12345, // Contact RECID "users_recid" => 456, // Users RECID "glaRecid" => [1111], // Old GLA RECID "replaceGlaRecid" => 2222, // Replacement GLA RECID "setInactiveGla" => true, "comment" => "This is a comment", ]);
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