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Single Sign On (SSO)

SSO Integration

For learning how to configure PCR-360 to work with your SSO Application Service, please see the related Installation Guide

Using SSO

When PCR-360 is integrated with your SSO Application Service, the SSO takes over all User Management.  PCR-360 gets configured to work with the information already stored within the SSO System, and uses that to map updated User Roles/Permissions every time a User logs into the application.  Attempting to login using SSO, for User not setup in the SSO System (ie, it was created in the User Management section of PCR-360), will cause the User to be unable to login because PCR-360 will check that User's credentials based on what is within the SSO System, ignoring anything setup within PCR-360 itself.

Important Details

For Users setup within PCR-360, and not within the SSO, the User will need to use a bypass application link in order to not go through the authentication against the SSO System. 

PCR does not have any access to the SSO System, new Users will need to first be setup with your SSO System Administrator before they will be able to access PCR-360.

If new Roles are created for a collection of Users, those new Roles will need to be mapped within PCR-360 in order to ensure those Roles are treated correctly.  Roles that have not been mapped to PCR-360 permissions will not grant any access right by themselves.

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