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(2024.2) CustomerCenter Cart Redesign - Requirements

Target release




Document status


Document owner

  @David Engblom

Last Updated

Sep 20, 2019 


  • Give customers a way to save requests for later on CustomerCenter.

  • Give customers the ability to edit saved Requests.

  • Give customers the ability to create Requests with multiple types of Actions.

  • Provide a better layout to the cart page.

  • Provide a better and more useful layout for the Request Summary page.

Background and strategic fit

Redesigning the cart provides more flexibility to the customers and coordinators when ordering items in CustomerCenter.  Many customers would like to have the ability to save their cart, or a partial cart and come back later to submit the requests in the cart.  The new cart will allow the customer to not only save their requests for later, but also to submit multiple requests on behalf of another individual, department, or multiple individuals and departments.


  • None at this time.



User Story




User Story




Persistent cart

A user wants to Save Requests for later.

Must Have

  • The Cart will be saved as items are added. If the user logs out of the system and then back in, the cart will be restored.

  • The Cart may contain multiple requests.

  • The count next to the Cart Icon will indicate how many requests are in the cart, not the number of individual items in the cart.

  • Clicking the Cart icon will bring the user to the cart page.

  • If the Cart contains multiple requests:

    • Individual actions can be moved from one request to another in the cart.

    • When the user adds another item to the cart, a prompt will be displayed asking if the item should be added to an existing request or create a new request.


Save Incomplete Requests

A user wants to save incomplete requests.

Must Have

  • Allow customers to enter partial requests and save them for later.

  • Fields required to submit the request do not need to be filled in before saving the request.


Allow submitting requests individually

A user wants to submit part of the saved cart.

Must Have

  • Give customers the ability to submit some, but not all requests from the cart.

    • Submitted requests must specify all required information.

  • Requests missing required information cannot be submitted.

  • Each request will have a customizable name, limited to 30 characters.  The default name will be "Request 1", "Request 2", etc.

    • When the requests are submitted, the request name will be saved as a remark on the Request.


Redesigned Cart Layout

Must Have

  • Each Request will have a checkbox to select the Request and perform an action.

  • Each request will have a label to indicate whether the request is "Complete" or requires more information. 

  • Requests will be editable from the cart. 

    • Each editable item will have an icon to enter "Edit Mode".

    • Changes will be auto-saved.

  • The Cart will have a single "Submit Selected" button to submit all selected requests in the Cart. 

    • The user will be prompted to confirm the submission.

    • Partial Requests cannot be submitted.

    • The user will have the option to "Select Completed Requests", "Select None", "Select All", "Select Partial Requests" or select Requests individually. The selection options will be read-only when only one request is in the Cart.

    • When "Select Partial Requests" is used, the user cannot click the "Submit Selected" button.  Only the "Delete Selected" button will be available.

  • The Cart will have a single "Delete Selected" button to delete all selected requests in the Cart.

    • The user will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

  • Packages in a Request will have a similar layout to Actions.

    • The header will contain the package name

    • The body of the Package will list the Services and Equipment, plus any additional charges from the Package.

    • Deleting a Package deletes all items that were added from the Package. 

      • There will be one Delete icon on the package, individual items cannot be deleted.

      • The user will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the Package.

  • Individual Actions and Equipment may be deleted from a request.

    • Each Action and Equipment item will have an icon to delete the Action or Equipment Item.

    • The user will be prompted with a confirmation message.

  • Users will have the ability to drag an Action from one Request to another.

  • Requests will be validated before submission. 

  • Expired requests will show up in a collapsible section at the bottom of the cart page. Each request in the Cart will have an expiration date. The number of days from request creation is determined by a configuration option. Once the request has expired it will be read-only, it cannot be updated but can be deleted.

  • Items Customizable in the CustomerCenter Theme:

    • "Submit Selected" and "Delete Selected" buttons.

    • Action headers on Requests.


Select multiple Services and Equipment

A user wants to change or remove multiple Equipment and Service records in a single request.

Must Have

  • Customers need the ability to add multiple Service and Equipment records for change or remove requests.

  • The user must be able to select items for Change and Remove requests at the same time.

  • A combination of Adds, Changes and Removes may be added to a single Request. It will not be necessary to submit multiple Actions as Separate requests.


Summary Page of Submitted Requests

A user needs to see all pending requests, including partial requests.

Must Have

  • After submitting one or more Requests, the user will be presented with a summary of the Requests.

  • The summary page will include a section of Requests that were not submitted and it will list the reason(s) why.

  • The summary page is printable; Requests that were not submitted will be excluded from the printout.

  • Each Service Request listed will include the following information:

    • Service Catalog for add requests

    • Service ID for change/remove requests

    • Service Reference

    • Owner

    • Contacts

    • Location

    • GLA

    • Jack (if required)

    • List of Attachment file names

    • Cost

  • Each Equipment request listed will include the following information:

    • Equipment catalog for add requests

    • Equipment ID/Asset Tag for change/remove requests

    • Owner

    • Contacts

    • Location

    • GLA

    • List of Attachment file names

    • Cost


  • These changes will remove the Request amount next to the cart.  By allowing multiple requests in the Cart, not all requests must be charged to the same owner, making the cart total cost misleading.

  • Clicking the count next to the cart will no longer open a popup displaying the list of items in the Cart.

  • The "Save For Later" page will be removed with this change. The "Request Tracking" page will show requests waiting for Approval.

User interaction and design


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:





If all items in the cart are submitted, should we allow only the items with complete information to be submitted? Or block the entire cart from submission?

Incomplete items in the cart cannot be selected for submission.

In the cart view, how can we indicate that an item is missing information?

Each request will have a label indicating whether or not the request requires additional information before submission.

Can Equipment be moved to another Request or Action in the Cart?

No, Equipment on an Action or Request cannot be moved to another Action or Request.

Not Doing

  • At this time it will not be possible to select multiple Actions at one time and move them to another Request.

  • At this time we are not adding Comments/Remarks to the Request level.  The Request has a Description.