Report a Bug Step by Step

Report a Bug Step by Step

  1. On the Report a Problem form at help.pcr.com, enter the following information.

  2. Enter a Summary of the bug being reported. This is a required field.

    1. For example, "Big Red Oops error when closing a GLA".

      Example of the Bug Summary
      Example of the Bug Summary
  3. Enter the Description of what problem or bug is happening. This is a required field.

    Example of the Bug Description
    Example of the Bug Description
  4. Enter the Steps to Reproduce the bug. This is a required field and important so PCR can track the underlying cause of the bug.

  5. Enter the System where the bug happens.  This is a required field.

  6. Enter the PCR-360 version into the Affects Version/s field. This is a required field.

    1. To find the version click the About at the top right in PCR-360.

  7. Any additional information can be entered into the remaining optional fields:

    1. Impact

    2. Any Attachments with screenshots of the bug.

  8. Click the Example of the JSD Create button


    The bug ticket will be submitted to the PCR Helpdesk team to investigate the bug and look for a solution.