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Process Incoming Slack API Calls

This Custom API script was written to process incoming API calls from Slack (a team chat program we use internally at PCR).

<?php /** * Type: Custom Logic * Identifier: helpdesk */ // The incoming payload from Slack is JSON encoded // so we need to decode it... $payload = json_decode($request["payload"], true); $user = $payload["user"]["name"]; $callbackId = explode("-",$payload["callback_id"]); $iconUrl = ""; $icon = "error.png"; // find the Contact for this User - using the query function is best with // bound parameters instead of placing them directly into the query string. // This protects the database against injection threats $contacts = $this->query( "SELECT RECID FROM CONTACTS C LEFT JOIN V_UDF UDF ON UDF.VALUE_TABLE_NAME = 'CONTACTS' AND C.RECID = VALUE_TABLE_RECID WHERE UDF.VALUE = :slack_user", [":slack_user" => "@".$user] ); if(!empty($contacts)){ // the query function always returns an array // of rows so we need to look at the first index $contact = $contacts[0]; $incidents = $this->query( "SELECT SD.*, D.CODE, L.VALUE AS STATUS FROM SERVICE_DESK SD LEFT JOIN DEPT_HIERARCHY D ON SD.D_OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID = D.RECID LEFT JOIN LISTS L ON SD.SD_STATUS_LISTS_RECID = L.RECID WHERE SD_NUMBER = :incident", [":incident" => $callbackId[0]] ); if(!empty($incidents)){ $incident = $incidents[0]; $workflow = $this->query( "SELECT SDWF.*, CONCAT(C.LAST_NAME,', ',C.FIRST_NAME) AS WORKER, L.CODE AS STATUS FROM SERVICE_DESK_WORKFLOW SDWF LEFT JOIN CONTACTS C ON C.RECID = SDWF.WORKER_CONTACTS_RECID LEFT JOIN LISTS L ON SDWF.SD_WF_STATUS_LISTS_RECID = L.RECID WHERE SERVICE_DESK_RECID = :sd_recid AND SDWF.RECID = :recid", [ ":sd_recid" => $incident["RECID"], ":recid" => $callbackId[2] ] ); if(!empty($workflow)){ $wf = $workflow[0]; if(empty($wf["WORKER"])){ if($wf["STATUS"] == "PENDING"){ if(Core_Model_Api_Servicedesk::assignWorkflow( $wf["RECID"], $contact["RECID"] )){ $assigned = "Assigned to @{$user}"; $icon = "checkbox.png"; } else { $assigned = "Error: Failed to Assign Workflow..."; } } else { $assigned = "Error: WF is not Pending..."; } } else { $assigned = "WF Already Assigned to {$wf["WORKER"]}"; $icon = "information.png"; } } else { $assigned = "Error: Cannot find Workflow {$callbackId[1]} on {$callbackId[0]}..."; } } else { $assigned = "Error: Cannot find Incident [{$callbackId[0]}]..."; } } else { $assigned = "Error: Cannot find User [{$payload["user"]["name"]}]..."; } $orig = $payload["original_message"]; // the response array is the data that is returned to the original API request $response = [ "text" => $orig["text"], "attachments" => [[ "title" => $orig["attachments"][0]["title"], "title_link" => $orig["attachments"][0]["title_link"], "text" => $orig["attachments"][0]["text"], "footer" => $assigned, "footer_icon" => $iconUrl.$icon, "ts" => time(), ]] ];