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  • 360 Search - The namesake of PCR-360 which allows the User to search a wide variety of data records at once. See more: 360 Search
  • 360 View - The application's namesake tool allows Users to locate an item (be it a Contact, Location, piece of Equipment, Service, etc.) and view a comprehensive representation of how the item relates to the other items in the system. See more: 360 View
  • 360 Wizard - The 360 Wizards allow the User to build Service Orders quickly. See more: 360 Wizard and 360 Incident

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  • Access Point(s) - Any physical point at which a person can access their organization's network or Cable infrastructure.
  • Action(s) - An Action identifies a specific task to be performed on a Service Order such as adds, changes, or moves. Users can add any number of Actions to a Service Order .
  • Active - A status that allows a given record to be seen, searched, or added throughout PCR-360.
  • Actual Worked Time - The amount of time worked on a Workflow item based on when it was created and completed. See More: Workflow Reporting
  • Administrator - A User is considered to be an Administrator if ANY of their assigned Roles is flagged as Administrator. See more: Administrator
  • Admin (Tab) - Tab Navigation option for the system Administrator(s) .
  • Alert(s) - User defined messages that display on the Landing Page and CustomerCenter in a horizontal bar at the top of the screen that serve as a notification system of important events which can be limited to User Roles. Alerts cannot be removed from the Landing Page or CustomerCenter and are therefore ideal for sending out critical information to multiple Users at once. See more: Alerts
  • Alias - A way to protect the privacy of sensitive information on a Phone Service .
  • API (Application Programming Interface) - PCR-360 offers a REST API which allows an outside application to search and make use of your raw data.
  • API Permissions - Available permissions that will allow access to the data within the PCR-360 database via the API.
  • Application - PCR-360 is sometimes referred to as an "application" elsewhere in the Wiki.
  • Asset - Any item that is defined by your organization as having attributes (cost, criticality, etc.) that merit differentiation from normal Equipment . Assets are Equipment that the Organization wishes to track using some unique identifier, known in PCR-360 as the Asset Tag.
  • Assignable - Any catalog item that may be assigned to a customer. Your organization may have, for example, a Service such as Wireless Access Point or non-consumable Equipment that you may want to track, but it will never be assigned to any one customer.
  • Assigned Workflow - Lists all Service Desk items that have a pending Workflow with a Start Date assigned to the current User as the Worker.
  • Articles - A section that allows Users to view and search a comprehensive list of all Articles in the system and report errors WITHOUT the ability to directly modify the Article.
  • Article Management - Section that allows for adding, editing, and deletion of articles for the Knowledgebase .
  • Audit - A security-relevant chronological record, set of records, and/or destination and source of records that provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected at any time a specific operation, procedure, or event.
  • Auth Codes - Code items that are assignable to a GLA and serve to allow long distance calling through the switch.

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  • Backbone - A type of Service designed to transfer network traffic at high speeds. This Service typically consists of network routers, switches, or multiplexers connected by fiber optic or Ethernet cables.
  • Bar code - A scannable bar code can be attached to printed Service items.
  • Best Practices - Collection of suggested use cases for PCR-360 to best enhance usability. See more: Best Practices
  • Billable - Any item that may be billed to a customer. This is used to ensure that no customer is inadvertently billed for an item (for example, 20 feet of cable) that is used but not a chargeable item.
  • Bill Details - The individual details of any given Billing item.
  • Bill Generation - The process of generating a Bill for a given Service.
  • Billing - Admin function that allows the Admin to select and define all aspects of the Billing process.
  • Billing Generation - Admin Grid that allows for new bills to be automatically generated based on a given stat date.
  • Billing Group(s) - User defined groups of related Billing items that allow segregation of customers into separate categories.
  • Billing Group Permissions - Limitations to the Billing Group that can be placed on a specific piece of Equipment or Service .
  • Bills - Listing of the items billed that show costs, quantities, time frame, items billed, descriptions, and recurrence.
  • Blocked Emails - Email addresses that the System Administrator has deemed necessary to blacklist. See more: Blocked Emails
  • Boolean - traditionally only a TRUE or FALSE value, PCR-360 has internal logic to accept "Active", "Yes" and "1" for Boolean TRUE values and will recognize "No" and "0" for Boolean FALSE. PCR-360 will often default given values to FALSE if the provided values do not match any of the expected values for TRUE or FALSE.
  • Bulk Update - Feature that allows for updating information on multiple Assets, Users, Equipment, Inventory , or Warehouses simultaneously.

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  • Cable - The Cable tool employs both text and visual representations of the User organization's data and voice network to provide Users with a virtual road map of multiple wires, cables, switches, and servers that support the User's organization.
  • Cable Locations - Grid that allows a User to view a Cable Location without the ability to edit it.
  • Cable Maintenance - Grid that allows the User to manage all the information associated with a given Cable Location .
  • Cable Type - Assignable field that allows for tracking of the type of Cable Location that is running from one physical location to another.
  • Calendar - A list of Events for a User to refer to for Scheduling. Events placed on the Calendar can block out time for the User in Time Entry as a work period. The User must select a Service performed from the Service catalog.
  • Call Details - Allows customers to view call records over a period of time from within the CustomerCenter .
  • Call Metrics - Report that allows the User to view all calls of a given type(s) for a specified time range.
  • Call Rates - Admin defined Rates that can be assigned to a given call for tracking and Billing.
  • Call Types - Multi-unit selection field that allows the User to define a list of requested calls for a report; e.g., local, international, etc.
  • Cellular - Location type that is linked to a mobile device and not tethered to a specific Location.
  • Catalog - This section provides a comprehensive list of all the types of Services , Equipment, Charges, Features, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Locations, and G/L Accounts (GLA) that the User's organization has defined. See more: Catalog
  • Categories - Knowledgebase definition of all the Categories an Article might be able to be listed in, allowing for a classification system to arise.
  • Charge(s) - The cost applied for Billing Services, Equipment, labor, or anything else.
  • Charge Catalog - User-defined list of acceptable Charges.
  • Charge GLA Conflicts - Report of any conflicts that may have arisen from GLA Conflicts.
  • Child - A relational object that carries properties of a Parent Object.
  • Class of Service - Typically denotes the properties (local calling only, international, etc.) associated with an Authorization Code on phone services.
  • Complete(d) - SD item or Action complete, waiting to be Finalized.
  • Completed on Time - Workflow report column indicating with a simple 'Yes' or 'No' if the work was completed in a timely fashion.
  • Conduit(s) - Any physical infrastructure through which cables can travel. Examples include a duct or a raceway.
  • Configure - Button on the Dashboard and Landing Page that allows a User to customize the Widgets they see on a daily basis on login.
  • Contact(s) - Any record of any given person with their contact information like phone number, email, and physical address. See related: Workers/Contacts
  • Contact Type - Assigned to each Contact determining how the Contact will function in the system and how it can be assigned by the system. See related: Contact Types
  • Consumable - A piece of Equipment that needs to be tracked for inventory purposes but is deemed by your organization to be somewhat ‘disposable’. Example: your organization needs to keep track of printer cartridges to make sure that you don’t run out, but you probably don’t need an audit trail of when it was installed, who received it, etc. Contrast with Asset or normal Equipment.
  • Contiguous - When Equipment that Has Units needs to be uninterrupted like a single spool of 1000 feet of Cable instead of two 500 foot cable spools.
  • Coordinator - This is a specialized iteration of the 'Customer' Contact Type which oversees an Departmental Hierarchy unit. This requires specific setup .
  • Critical Alert Threshold - Serves as a serious warning or notification via the Dashboard icon demanding immediate attention.
  • Crystal Reports - An Admin defined listing of reports that Users can access.
  • Custom Validation - Allows the Admin to define customized validation routines on any table based on an organization's preferences. See More: Custom Validation
  • Custom Warning - Allows an Admin to define a customized warning routine when a record is saved to alert the Users. See More: Custom Validation
  • CSR (Customer Service Representative) - The CSR is the employee responsible for seeing a Service Desk item through to its resolution.
  • CSV File - A CSV or '.csv' file is compatible with common office software like Excel, LibreCalc, and Notepad. This file format allows exporting of Grid reports from PCR-360 in a standardized form.
  • Custom Events - User specified Events that trigger Notifications and Escalations . See more: Custom Events
  • Customer - Worker/Contact type that is used to classify an individual Contact as a Customer so they can be assigned Services.
  • CustomerCenter - CustomerCenter is the forward-facing portion of the application that allows Admins to make Services, Equipment, and other common functions easily available to their customers.

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  • Dashboard - Allows Users to customize their page by adding custom Widgets from internal and external sites and graphs powered by the PCR-360 application.
  • Data Dictionary - Admin accessible page which provides a current database layout and description of relationships for the information in the database.
  • Delimiter - A delimiter is a character that identifies the beginning or the end of a character string. For example, a comma is used in CSV files to identify each column of data.
  • Department(s) - Organization unit that groups related functions and is defined by the organization.
  • Department Hierarchy / Dept. Hierarchy - A group that exists within an organization that can be assigned a Service Order and can be used for Billing purposes.
  • Device - Any electronic tool used within an organization.
  • Directory Search - Search all of the fields within the directory within a given specified range.

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  • E911 (Enhanced 911) - A file of Location changes that associates a physical address with a telephone number. This file can be used to update the PSAP’s E911 database.
  • Emulation - Emulate User allows an Admin to see what Permissions are set for a specific User, by taking on the User's credentials, temporarily ignoring their Admin Privileges. This is called Emulation.impersonate another user in the system; the Admin will view the application as the Emulated User and will be restricted by the Permission Set(s) applied to that User. Emulating a User is an excellent way to troubleshoot issues reported by a User, or Users with varying Permission Sets. 
  • Estimates - A Service Desk feature that allows the User to estimate the costs associated with a given Request based on Equipment, Labor, and other costs.
  • Escalations - Automated tasks that execute a series of predefined Actions once the task is stated. See more: Escalations
  • Escalations Log - A comprehensive history of all the Escalations that have been triggered throughout the organization.
  • Essential - A flag used to track particular Services that are deemed vital or essential to the organization.
  • Equipment - Any physical item defined by your organization as having value. Equipment can be Consumable but cannot be both an Asset and Consumable.
  • Equipment Catalog - A representation of all of the Equipment that is available to a User. This is just Equipment that is available, not necessarily on hand in a Warehouse, and can also be designated as available for order for customers through the CustomerCenter.
  • Equipment Permissions - Specifies a piece of Equipment that is always associated with a given Service .
  • Error Log Explorer - An Admin Grid that shows all Errors generated by PCR-360.
  • Events - Predefined circumstances, (system or Admin defined) that trigger Escalations and Notifications .
  • Export(s) - Admin added Export files allow database queries to be sent to external files in a chosen format. Reports can also be exported to different formats.

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  • Finalized - Service Desk Item or Action Completed and Charges have been exported.
  • Features - Lists any types of Features that can be applied or attached to a Service .
  • Form - Any dialog that opens so the User can input or update Data in PCR-360. See more: The Data Entry Form

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  • Gauge Chart - A meter gauge which makes for easy visual representations of important data within a given threshold for reordering purposes. See More: Inventory
  • Generic Incident Codes (GIC) - The contents of the Generic Incident Codes Grid populate the drop-down menus that are encountered during the submission of an Incident . These codes can be customized by the Admin though the Generic Incident Code Grid
  • GLA (General Ledger Account) - The organization’s General Ledger Account number that a Charge will be billed to or that Charge revenue will be posted to. GLA’s may be Hierarchical or Component-based.
  • GLA Components - Admins can build G/L hierarchies across any number of components, which are reflected in the columns of the G/L Accounts Grid. The organization can define and build any number of component-based GLA structures.
  • Grid - The primary interface through which Users can manage their organization's resources and information. Most data can be viewed, edited, searched, or otherwise controlled in a Grid .
  • Guest - Type assigned to a Contact when the PCR-360 application cannot determine another type to assign to the Contact

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  • Has Units - A flag on the Equipment Catalog that indicates the Equipment has a unit of measure associated with it (e.g., feet, dozen).
  • Hierarchal String - A String made up of multiple smaller parts, connected by a concatenation character, usually the GLA_IMPORT_CONCATENATOR or HIERARCHYPATH_CONCATENATOR configuration values.
    Example, for when the concatenator is a ">": Part A > Part B > Part C
  • Hierarchy - The chain of command when listing department. Also related to the list of Parent and Child objects where parents are said to have a higher hierarchy.
  • History Report - A History Report is a comprehensive listing of all changes that have occurred to a given record in PCR-360.
  • Hold - Status of SD Item or Action waiting for further action.
  • Holidays - Admin defined feature that places Holidays that the organization recognizes on the Calendar for User's reference.

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  • Ignore - A flag for data that PCR-360 should Ignore so it will be skipped when importing or when selecting an item as Billable .
  • Import(s) - To bring an external file into PCR-360. See more: Imports Importing a File
  • Inactive - A general record status that disables a given record from appearing as an option in searched throughout PCR-360. Useful for end-of-life Services, Equipment, or Locations that need to be retired.
  • Incident(s) - When a customer or fellow member of a User's organization has a specific complaint about some trouble they are having with a Service or piece of Equipment that the organization has provided, that complaint is designated as an Incident .
  • Incident Code - Code(s), either Trouble or Resolution, that are associated with a specific Service or Equipment.
  • Inherited/Inheritance - When a Child object receives(d) some of its data from a Parent object.
  • Inquiry - Generated when the User organization's Service Desk email account receives an email from a customer seeking clarification or consideration for a concern. New incoming emails are processed and designated as new Inquiries or added as threaded messages to existing Service Desk items.
  • Inventory - Any Equipment, Assets, or Consumables currently in the organization's possession.
  • Inventory Overview - Inventory Overview allows you to view an up-to-date summary of your inventory levels of a specific Location and also allows you to quickly access to inventory functions such as adding, transferring, and ordering Equipment.
  • IP Address Management - Allows the Admin to define reserved and available IP Addresses within the organization in both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols for future proofing.

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  • JSON - One of the output languages offered through the PCR-360 API.

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  • Knowledgebase - Knowledgebase serves as a central hub for Users to read, manage, and share articles of critical importance or relevance to the User’s organization.

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  • Labor - A designation that is used to log Estimates of the amount of work that will be required for a given task.
  • Landing Page - Landing Page is a customizable interface to which Users can add Widgets, charts, and graphs and will be the first page that Users see whenever they log into the application.
  • Legacy - The Legacy feature allows Users to import any number of Legacy Order/Incident records from other systems such as COMIT, Pinnacle etc. into a custom designed Legacy table.
  • Line Graph - Visual representation of User selected data that can be placed on the Landing Page or Dashboard which displays as a line graph that runs left to right and has defined points along the line. See More: Billing
  • List Types - The List Types Grid allows Users to add, edit, and delete the lists of a value in the system.
  • List Values - The List Values section of the System Tables sub-section allows Admin Users to build and maintain the list values that populate drop-down lists throughout the application.
  • Location(s) - Field that defines the current location for a given Service.
  • Location Permissions - Location specific limitations that can be applied to a Service or piece of Equipment.
  • Log - Grid available under SNMP that provides a record of Events desired by the Admin.

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  • Main - The primary Tab Navigation item that most Users will use.
  • Messages - The Messages page serves as the communication hub for everything within PCR-360.
  • My Service Desk - The function that organizes all Service Desk items that are associated with a user.

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  • Navigation Tab - Slide out selector that allows access to rest of application functionality.
  • News - Widget that appears on the left side of the User Landing Page and Dashboard. The Widget can be minimized or removed by individual Users through the Configure button. For this reason, it is recommended to Admins that information in the News section should be of a non-critical nature.
  • News & Alerts - Admin defined section to send out organization wide by User Role notifications.
  • NPA - The Area code part of a phone number.
  • Node - Nodes represent items or types of items on a Tree. Users can add new Nodes to a Tree or move them along the Tree Root. See more: Trees, Roots, and Nodes
  • Notifications - When an event triggers, this is the message that system will send as a result of an Escalations .
  • Notifications Log - A comprehensive list of all the Notifications that have been sent throughout the organization.
  • (All) Non-Requests - All of the Service Desk items that are not Requests listed in a single comprehensive Grid for searching.
  • NXX - Middle part of a phone number.

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  • Object Codes - Object Codes are used throughout PCR-360 to define valid accounting codes for use within the application.
  • Order Tracking - The Order Tracking page allows a customer to view the status of any Service Desk items they have in progress.
  • Orderable - Equipment that is Orderable can be 'Requested' by the customers of an organization through the CustomerCenter.

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  • Packages - Packages are a method of grouping Services and/or Equipment with an SDC. Packages can be Requested through the CustomerCenter as a single item by an organization's Customers.
  • Pairs/Strands - The individual components that make up Cables.
  • Parent - A relational object, that contains other objects who rely on the Parent object in some fashion to function on a basic level.
  • Paths - Paths are the face of PCR-360's Cable function. Once a set of Cables has been defined, Conduits have been selected, and access points have been identified, the PCR-360 application produces a visual representation of the cable's Path through an organization's infrastructure.
  • Path Legs - A way to further define the path and establish physical parameters.
  • People - This section of the 'Main' tasks allows Users to Access all items related to the Contacts in their organization from Workgroups , Calendars , Time Entry , Vendors , Messages, etc.
  • Permission Sets - Admin defined Roles that allow fine grain access to various parts of the application. This control makes it so the Admin can set who see what and who has access to edit data.
  • Perspectives - A Perspective allows a User to format a Grid to their liking and then save that Grid view for future use.
  • Phones - This is a Services Grid that allows a User to see all the Phones in the organization as well as their assigned Locations, Owners, GLAs, Cabling, etc.
  • PHP - One of the output languages offered through the PCR-360 API.
  • Picker(s) - Custom form interface method designed specifically for PCR-360. See More: Pickers
  • Pie Chart - Visual representation of User selected data that can be placed on the Landing Page or Dashboard which displays as a pie chart that displays in a relative comparative manner. See more: Cable Status
  • Point In Time - Report on Warehouse Inventory levels for specific dates in a given Warehouse.
  • Ports/Pins/Lens - A designation for a given Cable Path that assists the User in defining that path.
  • Preferences - Allows the User to define several of the menu interaction styles.
  • Prorate - A Service or piece of Equipment whose initial and final monthly Charges may be billed based on the number of days that the item was in Service. Example: if an item has a monthly fee of $31 and the Customer has the item installed on the 15th of the month, the cost of that item is pro-rated for the 15 days it was in service so the customer is only charged $15 that month. Also see: Prorate Flag
  • Problem(s) - A number of associated Incidents and/or Requests.
  • Project(s) - Any number of associated Service Orders, Service Requests, Incidents, Estimates, or Requests.
  • Provisioned - This flag is only for Equipment that can be "Provisioned" on a call manager such as Cisco or Avaya.
  • Purchase Order - This screen allows Users to manage the Purchase Orders .

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  • QR Code - A scannable QR code can be attached to printed Service Items.
  • Quick Tick(s) - Quick Tick allows a User to quickly document customer calls, emails, and basic inquiries that do not require the creation of a full Service Desk Incident, Order, Project or Problem.
  • Quick Tick Types - Allows the Admin to define the types that will be allowed in a the Quick Tick Type drop down.

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  • Reference - This is a free-form field that can be used to label or reference any Service in the system.
  • Related Equipment Permissions - Specifies a piece of Equipment that is always associated with a given other piece of Equipment or Service.
  • Remark(s) - User entered information that might be relevant for a given data type that isn't reflected anywhere else. For example, a description of the physical state of a piece of Equipment that the User might wish to record.
  • Reorder Threshold - The minimum acceptable level of Inventory for a given Warehouse .
  • Reported Worked Time - The amount of time work was reported for a given Workflow item based on a User specified date and time of when it was created and completed. See More Workflow Reporting
  • Requests - Generated by a customer that has reported a specific problem with a piece of Equipment or Service.
  • Reserved (Cable) - This is a Cable status. If a Cable is designated as reserved, it is not yet in Service but has been specifically earmarked for future use and can’t be used except for that purpose.
  • Reports - The Reports page allows the User to view available Crystal Reports within the CustomerCenter .
  • Reporting - Anything related to Reporting is housed in this navigation item.
  • Resolution Code - Admin defined codes, specific to a resolution of a Trouble Code, that are attached to a specific Incident.
  • Return Order - Grid that allows the adding, editing, and selecting of any Return Order required by the organization.
  • Roles - Designations that limit the permissions granted to each User. Admin Users can define both the permissions and Users associated with each Role.
  • Root - The Root is an extension of the Tree data structure itself. The Root only extends as far as there are Nodes attached. See more: Trees, Roots, and Nodes

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  • Safemode - Safemode disables Widgets on the Landing Page and Dashboard so a User can delete them if they are causing issues for the User and cannot be removed otherwise.
  • Service(s) - Section that allows the User to view and manually maintain all the Services tracked in the application. See more: Services
  • Service Catalog - The Services Catalog lists any type of Service that the User's organization could provide to customers or other Users.
  • Service Desk - A single point of reference for all transactions that add, change, move, or delete any of the Services and/or Equipment that your organization tracks via PCR-360. See more: Service Desk
  • Service Desk Classification (SDC) - Allows an Admin Users to implement the default Workflows, Charges, and SLAs that can accompany items in the Service Desk. See more: SDC
  • Service Host - Service Hosts define specific types of Services that have special permissions associated with them.
  • Service Host Permissions - Service Hosts associated with a Catalog item so that when that item is added in the application the Service Host will be added and associated with it.
  • Service Order(s) - A collection of Actions each requiring the installation, removal, or change of the customer's Service(s) and/or Equipment. Service Request’s can be advanced to become a Service Order or can be created manually.
  • Service Pools - A collection of phone numbers that are grouped with specific Service Catalog requirements. See more: Pools
  • Service Rep - Contact type that allows Service Desk items to be assigned to a User. Only Contacts with the Service Rep type can be assigned Service Desk items, and they must also be assigned as a Worker.
  • Service Request(s) - The standard method by which Users appeal for a Service to be executed. Customers can submit a Service Request in the CustomerCenter .
  • (All) Services - Report that can display every Service that the organization offers regardless of current status.
  • Service UDF(s) - User Defined Field, that lets the User change fields on the CustomerCenter.
  • Shibboleth - A standards based, open source software package for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries.
  • SLA (Service Level Agreement) - Service Desk industry term used to denote a special level of Service (in terms of guaranteed response times, special escalations, etc.) that specific customers may have.
  • SLA Catalog - Lists any default types of Service Level Agreements.
  • SLA Metrics - A report on Service Desk SLA Metrics.
  • SLA Workflow - This report displays Service Desk Workflow and includes columns which indicate is the Workflow was completed on time, the Service Desk item was completed on time and the Service Desk item was finalized on time.
  • SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol will capture events from a network device. See more: SNMP
  • SNMP Trap - A SNMP Event that can be listened for using PCR-360.
  • SNMP Trap Identifier - A unique identifier for a given networked device event. SNMP Event
  • Soft Numbers - An additional telephone number added to a specific phone Service. When a soft number is added to a phone, that phone service is automatically routed to each soft number defined. For example, if one person has a phone service – or a single phone number – with multiple soft numbers attached, the designated soft number holders will receive every call that the original service holder receives.
  • Status - This field contains the current status of the currently selected Service.
  • Status Date - The date that the Status was last updated.
  • System Tables - Admin Users can access the System Tables sub-section to populate many of the default lists and drop-down menus that occur throughout the application.
  • System Widgets - A list of all the Widgets currently being used within the Admin User's organization. See more: Widgets

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  • Tax Rates - Allows for customization based on local Tax Rates .
  • Tenant(s) - Allows the segregation of data based one or more group / customers. When configuring PCR-360, organizations can determine whether their version of the application will allow only one 'Global' tenant or multiple.
  • Tenant Management - The Tenant Management Grid displays a visual representation of the active tenants in the User’s organization, which are different modes that can alter how the application operates for various User groups .
  • Theme(s) - Are used by the CustomerCenter to allow Admins to customize the Customer facing portion of PCR-360.
  • Time Entry - Section that allows Admins to log time spent on a task for Billing purposes or to record time of employees.
  • Time Entry Activities - Admin defined entry that allows to enter acceptable activities for employees to log in Time Entry Activities .
  • Time on Hold - The amount of time the Workflow was on hold.
  • Topics - Knowledgebase definition of all the Topics an Article might be able to be listed in, allowing for a classification system to arise.
  • Tree - A tool that organizes data in terms of a descending hierarchy consisting of one or more Nodes. Users can manipulate Nodes on a Tree to establish Parent/Child relationships between related items. In PCR-360, the Tree data structure often presents an alternative to the Grid data structure. See more:Trees, Roots, and Nodes
  • Trouble Code - Admin generated code(s) related to issues that User's experience within the organization that allows Users to report specific problems in an Incident. See more: Trouble Code
  • Trunk(s) - A circuit connecting telephone switchboards or other switching Equipment.

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  • Urgency - A status assigned to incoming Service Desk Incidents that allows for some automatic prioritization.
  • User(s) - Contact type for any Contact in the system that is also a User of the PCR-360 application.
  • User Defined Fields(UDFs) - A field which allows the Admin to add input fields to any of a number of fields. See More: User Defined Fields
  • User Management - This section allows an Admin to add uses, and define their Roles. Helps to determine "who has access to what". See more: User Management

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  • Vendor(s) - Contact type used to classify a Contact as a Vendor. Only Vendor types can be associated with a Vendor record.
  • Vertical Bar Chart - Visual representation of User selected data that can be placed on the Landing Page or Dashboard which displays as a bar graph that runs from the bottom to the top for easy comparative analysis. See more: By Type and SLA
  • VIP - Contact type that assigns 'Urgency' to any incident received by that VIP Contact.
  • VH Data - A lookup function that searches the Origination LATA and Destination LATA. See more: VH Data
  • Void - Status of a SD Item of Action deemed invalid or no longer needed.
  • VLANS A way to split your network up into smaller, more manageable segments. See more: VLAN

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  • Warehouses - Warehouses are any physical location that hold Equipment used by the organization. This can be a building, storage area, repair truck, etc.
  • Warehouse Actions - Grid that allows the Staging, Pick-up, or Return of Equipment across multiple Warehouses .
  • Warning Alert Threshold - Serves as a mid-level warning or notification via the Dashboard icon. See more: Warning Alert Threshold
  • Widget - These items appear on the Landing Page and Dashboard of the PCR-360 application. Widgets can represent internal/external links or charts/graphs.
  • Widget URL Blacklist - Admin defined web pages that a User is disallowed from placing in a Widget.
  • Worker(s) - A standard User type designation that enables the Admin associate with Workflow and Labor sequences. See related: Workers/Contacts
  • Workflow - Can determine and record the order in which work is performed as well as the Users responsible for performing each task by adding items to a Workflow sequence. Each worker must have one assigned Workgroup.
  • Workgroup(s) - A collection of Users or workers associated by a common goal. Workgroups can range in scope from item specific to department-wide. Lists all current Service Desk items for which the lowest sequence pending Workflow with a Start Date is assigned to any of the current User’s Workgroups.

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  • XML - One of the output languages offered through the PCR-360 API.

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  • Zero Calls - Report that allows Users to identify and Generate Report for phone numbers that made no phone calls. Useful for locating unused Services.

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Child pages (Children Display)