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.Usage Imports v2019.3


This Import allows Users to Import Usage records and is functionally similar to the Calls Import .

Matches On

Usage matches on the Service ID field.


Service ID


Datatype is String.

Default value is blank.

Bill Date

Datatype is String.

Default value is blank.


Datatype is String.

Default value is blank.


Datatype is String.

Default value is blank.


Datatype is String.

Default value is blank.

Service Type

Datatype is String.

Default value is blank.

A Service record must exist for each Usage record.

The Service can exist as any Service Type.

If the Import Format specifies a particular service type, only services from that type will be considered in the Service ID lookup.

Usage Time

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Usage Date

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Usage Date/Time

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Usage Type

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Permitted values are from the USAGE_TYPE List Values: Data Storage or Bandwidth

Child Records

There are no Child records on Usage records.

Flags / Conditional Logic

There are no current Conditional Logic flags for the Usage import.


Because of the very large volume of Imported data that can occur for Calls and Usage Imports, the Error reporting is done very differently. For other Imports, if an Error happens, the Error is reported in the Imported Records grid. For Calls and Usage, the Error is stored as a code in the Call or Usage record. The available codes are in this list. This list is shared for Calls and Usage. Some of these are specifically for Calls and never happens for Usage.


An error occurred during the Import File Processing. This re-tries each night.

    • No Service record for Service ID
    • No Service record for Originating Phone Number
    • No Service record for terminating Phone Number
    • No Expense GLAs for Service
    • No Service record for Authcode
    • Multiple Service records for Service ID
    • Multiple Service records for Originating Phone Number
    • Can't determine Origination Location
    • Can't determine Termination Location
    • Zero or multiple matching Tenants

Unrecoverable Errors

An error occurred that cannot be fixed. It does not try again each night.

    • Missing end for split record
    • Column position not present in line
    • Originating Phone Number not set
    • Terminating Phone Number not set
    • Error reading column using format mask
    • Invalid duration
    • Invalid date
    • Invalid time
    • Column defined as a number contains non-numeric data
    • Unable to determine Call Type
    • Service ID not set
    • Value not present in Lists table

Rating Errors

An error during the rating process. This re-tries each night.

    • No Rate defined for this Call Type
    • Missing Service, Service Host
    • Missing Service, Billing Group
    • Missing Service, Rating Group

Billing Errors

Indicates an error occurred during the billing process.

    • Missing Revenue GLAs for Service Catalog and Charge Catalog
    • Missing Billing Group for Service
    • Unknown Error


  • A Service must exist for each Usage record.
  • The Service can exist as any Service type.
  • If the Import Format specifies a particular Service Type, only Services from that type is considered in the Service ID lookup.

UDF Associations

UDFs cannot be associated with Usage records.

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