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.Create, Build, and Adding in PCR360 v2020.3


This reference page includes documentation on how to quickly create, add, and build information in PCR360. For more information on the sections documented on this page, please visit their specific pages.

How to Add a New Cable

  1. Go to Main > Cable > Cable Maintenance.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Enter a unique Cable Name.
  4. Choose a value on the Cable Type drop-down.
  5. You may optionally enter the Owner, the Length and Signal Loss for the Cable.
  6. Next we are going to specify the capacity of the cable either in terms of pairs or strands, enter the capacity of the
    cable by specifying the Low and High Pair/Strands. (center of screen)
  7. Choose the initial Status of the Pairs/Strands for this cable. (Spare, Reserved, Unknown, etc.)
  8. You may optionally choose the Type of cable (Voice or Data) from the Type drop-down.
  9. Choose the equipment the cable pair/strands originate from (note: the pair/strands in an individual cable can originate
    from different frames/devices) You may enter the frame/device name or chose it from the picker.
  10. If known you may also specify the destination frame/device for this pair range.
  11. Click the Save New button.

If the destination frame/device is not specified it can be entered later. Any time changes are made here and Save is clicked
the settings will be applied to the specified range of Pairs/Strands.

Any time you access this Cable from this screen you will get a summary section to give you an overview of the Cable.

How to use Service Desk to generate Reports

Service Desk Report Actions Grid

Navigate to Main > Service Desk > View/Report. Double-click on any corresponding nodes to see a query-only reporting Grid for the corresponding Service Desk entry type.

Reporting functionality for Service Desk entries is included here for convenience. Users will likely generate these queries/reports frequently. Accordingly, these Grids, which also appear within the 'Service Desk' folder in the Reporting section, cannot be modified.

However, all of the functionalities common to all other Grids in terms of reporting apply equally to these reporting Grids. For instance, Users can filter items on the Grid, sort by column, and print Grid reports. For more information on Grid functionality, see the Getting Started section entitled Critical Interfaces: The Grid.

For the Action and Workflow grid reports, if the Service Desk Items is associated with a Project, that information will also be available on the grid.

Build an Escalation

To build an Escalation that will use a Notification:

  1. Go to Admin > Escalations/Notifications > Escalations.
  2. Click the Add button to open the Escalation builder form:
    Add New Escalation form example
  3. In the Escalation form, fill in the Required fields:
  4. Escalation Name: Give the Escalation a meaningful name.
  5. "Workflow Assigned & Manager Follow-up".
  6. Start Event: Select a System, User-Defined, or SNMP Event that will begin the Escalation.
  7. Must match the Event for the Notification we'll use: "ServiceDesk Item Workflow Assigned".
  8. Add an Abort Event:
  9. From the Abort Events list, check "'"
  10. Sequences: On the Sequences tab, add at least 1 Sequence:
  11. Click the Add button on the grid's toolbar
  12. Fill in required fields:
  13. Sequence #: Any positive integer used to set the order of Sequence execution.
  14. Type: The type of action taken by the Sequence. (described here)
  15. Time To Wait: A time duration (e.g "1h 20m", "1h", "20m", "1", "1.5") that determines how long the Sequence waits to be executed on its turn.
  16. Depending on the Type you select, other Required and optional fields will appear.
  17. Click the Save New button.
  18. Continue adding Sequences by making changes in the form and clicking the smaller Save New button, or close the form.
  19. Close the form.

Build a Notification

There are a number of standard Notifications that come pre-built in PCR-360. Sometimes, however, these can be insufficient for an Organization's needs.

To add a new Notification that can be sent by an Escalation follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add button located on the Grid toolbar.
  2. This will open the 'Add New Notification' form.
    Add New Notification Form example

  3. On this form the User can specify the who, what, where of a given Notification.
  4. The 'Event' field is required. The selected 'Event' in this field corresponds directly to the Start Event of an Escalation.
  5. Set a 'Title', which is required, for the Notification for internal reference.
  6. Set the email related fields of the Notification. These will be inserted into their equivalent email fields:
    1. 'Subject', which is required, will serve as the email subject.
    2. 'To', which is required, will serve as the To field of the email.
    3. 'Cc' will serve as the Cc field of the email.
    4. 'Bcc' will serve as the Bcc field of the email.
    5. 'Body', which is required, is the main body of the email.
    Note: All of these fields can hold either static values like a particular email address, or a Hash Variable to dynamically select the information from elsewhere in PCR-360. For more information see the next section, Setting "Hash Variables".
  7. Once all the fields have data, click the Save New button to save the Notification.

Use of HTML Tags

Some fields within PCR-360 allow Users to input HTML tags to make displaying that information a richer experience for those that are expected to consume it. For more information on HTML tag usage, please see the wiki entry for it.

Create a Project

Navigate to Main > Service Desk > Projects.

  1. Click the Addbutton.
  2. Change the Source if desired.
    Source dropdown field example
  3. Enter the Project Manager.
    Project Manage field example
  4. Enter a brief description of the Project. This is not required but encouraged.
    Description field example
  5. Enter the Due Date. If it's not known, it can be entered later.
    Due Date field example
  6. If known or needed; enter the Owner, Requestor, and Quoted Amount.

    These fields are not Required and can be added later or not at all. Don't forget, the Owner can also be a Department instead of a person (Contact). To make a Dept. Hierarchy, the Owner just toggle the selector and enter the Dept Hierarchy (or picker icon example to perform a search).
    Owner field example
  7. Click the Save Newbutton.

At this point, a Project number has been generated in the upper left-hand corner of the screen that can be used to group together Orders. This process is the same regardless of what types of Orders are associate with this project.
Project Number example

Create a Problem

  1. Go to Main > Service Desk > Problems.

       2. Click the Add button.

       3. Change the Source if desired.
         Source Dropdown

      4. Enter the Service Rep into the field.

         Service Rep Picker

      5. Enter a brief description of the Problem into the field. This is not Required but encouraged.
         Description field

      6. Enter the Due Date into the field. If it's not known, it can be entered later.

          Due Date field

      7. If known or needed, enter Requestor into the field.

         Requestor Picker

      8. If known or needed, enter choose the Owner. The Requestor and Owner fields are not Required and can be added later or not at all. Don't forget, the Owner can also be an Organizational Hierarchy instead of a person. To use a Department Hierarchy as the                      Owner, toggle the radio button.
         Owner Department picker

      9. Enter the Dept. Hierarchy (or use the Hierarchy picker to search).

    10. Click the Save New button.

At this point, you should have a Problem number in the upper left-hand corner of the screen:

Service Desk number example that you use to group together the Incidents.

Create an Estimate

  1. Go to Main > Service Desk > Estimates.

       2. Click the Add button.

       3. Change the 'Source' in the drop-down if desired.

        Source dropdown 

       4. Choose the 'Service Rep' (if not already populated with your name) into the picker.

        Service Rep picker 

       5. If desired enter a brief 'Description' of the Estimate (this is not required but encouraged)

        Description field

       6. If known or needed enter the Contact or Department into the field.

        Owner - Department picker

        Note: The Owner can be either a Contact or Dept. Hierarchy. To select either just toggle the selector and enter the owner (or use the pickerto search).

7. If known or needed, enter Requestor into the field.

 Requestor picker example

8. Click the Save New button.

An Estimate number will now be displayed in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

Quick Tick and Quick Tick Type

Create a Quick Tick Type

This process is used to create a Quick Tick Type that can be used to create Quick Ticks.

  1. Go to Admin > Service Desk > Quick Tick Types
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Enter a Unique name for the Quick Tick Type
  4. Each Quick Tick Type can minimally have a Contact and Description; just toggle the appropriate checkbox to have it appear for use.
    • If it is to be Required by the end User, mark the toggle of the Required checkbox.
  5. Click the Save New button.
  6. Optionally: define as many User Defined Fields as desired to maintain additional information.

Add New Quick Tick Types form example

Create a Quick Tick

There are two ways to create a Quick Tick.

Add New Quick Tick form example

  1. Click the QuickTick icon next to the 360 search.
    1. Choose the 'Type'
      Type field example
    2. Enter information into any required fields.
    3. Click the Save and Close button.
  2. Navigate to Main > Service Desk > Quick Tick.
    1. Click the Add button.
    2. Enter information into any required fields.
    3. Click the Save and Close button.

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