Archive Eligible
The Archive Eligible grid shows all of the Service Desk records that are possible to Archive as well as provides the ability to manually Archive records.
To get to the Archive Eligible grid navigate to Admin > Service Desk > Archive Eligible.
The default value for Service Desk Archiving is 365 days. To change the threshold for the days before a record can be Archived, see the Tenant Management form to change the Service Desk Archiving value.
Manually Archive
All Service Desk items can be manually Archived if their Status is a valid "End State". This means only Service Desk items that have a Status of Void, Denied, Finalized (only if the record does not have Charges for Billing), or Billed can be Archived.
To manually Archive a Service Desk record follow these steps:
Navigate to the grid, Admin > Service Desk > Archive Eligible.
Admin Menu example for Archive EligibleSelect the item(s) to Archive.
Click the button.
Enter the reason for Archiving the record earlier in the dialog that opens.
Click the
button and the record will be run through the Archiving process immediately.
The Queued for Archiving column for the SD item is updated to indicate the SD Item is now scheduled for Archiving.
The SD item will no longer appear in the Archive Eligible grid, once the Archiving Process completes.
A record of the Archive attempt will be created and visible on the Archive Log grid.