RHEL 7-9 Install Guide
Basic Steps
Configure the Firewall
Allow http (80)
Allow https (443)
Allow smtp (25)
Reload the firewall configuration
Install Apache
Install the service
Enable the Service
Create SSL Certificates
Install SSL Mod
Restart Apache
Install the PCR-360 application files
Extract and copy the application files to the Apache web directory
Set file permissions
Allow read/write access to the PCR user for the entire folder
Allow read/write access to Apache for the data and logs folders
Set SE Linux Permissions
Give Apache read access to the entire application folder
Give Apache write access to the data and logs folders
Create the PCR-360 configuration INI file
Install Virtual Host configurations
Install the Database
Percona (MySQL)
Disable the MySQL Module
Install the Percona repo
Install Percona
Enable the Percona service
Secure the installation
Update the database config
Create the Databases and Users
Install the Oracle Instant Client
Create the Databases and Users
Install PHP
Install PHP
Install require PHP mods
Restart Apache
Install third party software used by PCR-360
Install WKHTML to PDF
Install Poppler Utilities
Install CatDoc
Install ASpell
Install Sendmail
Install Crystal Reports support
Install Java
Install the Crystal Reports
Configure Log rotate for the PCR-360 logs
Configure CronJobs for PCR-360
Create the database schemas
Load the PCR-360 system data into the database
Restart the Server