.GLA Parameters v2.1.4.7

.GLA Parameters v2.1.4.7


(BOOLEAN_TRUE or BOOLEAN_FALSE) The default is False.

This parameters specifies whether or not to force all GLA records into the Global tenant. If set to True then all GLA records will automatically be set to Global Tenant and cannot be changed.


(plain text) The default is " > ".

The parameter defines a short series of characters that is used when displaying GLA Components together. The pieces of the GLA are concatenated together with this text between each GLA Component.


(pixels CSS Setting) The default is 915.

The parameter defines the pixel width of the GLA form.


(pixels CSS Setting) The default is 260.

The parameter defines the pixel height of the GLA form.


(Boolean) The default is "True".

If true, Revenue GLA from Service Catalog or Equipment Catalog is used, otherwise the Revenue GLA from the Billing Group is used.


(default GLA format)

Formats can not be more than 14 characters in length
The default GLA will be what any picker or grid should default to if a GLA is not explicitly selected
Example: constants.GLA_FORMAT_DEFAULT = "ADMIN"


Default value is "none".

Valid Key Words: "billing_group", "gla_component", or "none")

Determines which GLA Pricing model to use. If set, by default the amount of a Charge will be set to the matching GLA Pricing in the model.


Defines which component to use for GLA Component Pricing when the GLA_PRICING_MODEL is set to GLA Component.

GLA Format(s)

FOAPAL Levels are: Fund, Org., Account, Program, Activity, Location

; Example Admin GLA Format
gla.ADMIN.description = "GLA Format for Admin Billing Group"
gla.ADMIN.numItems = 4
gla.ADMIN.items.1.name = "Fund"
gla.ADMIN.items.1.required = true
gla.ADMIN.items.2.name = "Org"
gla.ADMIN.items.3.name = "Department:
gla.ADMIN.items.4.name = "SubDept:
; Example Resale Account GLA Format
gla.ACCOUNT.description = "GLA Format for Account Billing Group"
gla.ACCOUNT.numItems = 1
gla.ACCOUNT.items.1.name = "Account"
gla.ACCOUNT.items.1.required = true

The GLA segments can be customized with these options: (Where X is the segment number and FORMAT is the format name)

  • gla.FORMAT.numItems (The number of Components in the GLA Format)
  • gla.FORMAT.description (The description of the GLA format)
  • gla.FORMAT.items.X.name (The name of this component)
  • gla.FORMAT.items.X.required (Optional attribute, whether or not this component is required and cannot be null; true or false )
  • gla.FORMAT.items.X.maxLength (Optional attribute, for setting the max character length for this component; example: 4 )
  • gla.FORMAT.items.X.minLength (Optional attribute, for setting the min character length for this component; example: 4 )


(Key Word: ceil, floor, roundup or rounddown) The default is "roundup".

This parameter specifies the rounding method. Whenever the system needs to calculate the specific changes in a GLA split it sometimes needs to round amounts. When this happens there are 4 (four) types of rounding that can be used:

  • Ceil – (Ceiling) a mathematical form of rounding that always goes up to the nearest whole number.
  • Floor – A mathematical form of rounding that always goes down to the nearest whole number.
  • Roundup – A typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) up.
  • Rounddown – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) down.

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