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(v1) .Calls Imports v2018.1


This Import enters all Calls into the system and associate them with their respective Service IDs.


Originating Number


Datatype is String.

The From Number is sometimes looked up in VH Data table.

The following factors determine if and how this is done:

    • If the From City, State, and LATA are provided, the lookup is not done.
    • If the From Number is 4 digits long, the default NPA-NXX set in the (v1) Tenant Management grid is used.
    • If the From Number is 7 digits long, the default NPA set in the (v1) Tenant Management grid is used.
    • If the From Number length is not 4, 7, or 10, the From Number lookup is not done.

Dialed Number


Datatype is String.

The To Number is sometimes looked up in VH Data table.

The following factors determine if and how this is done:

    • If the To City, State, and LATA are provided, the lookup is not done.
    • If the To Number starts with 011, the call is marked as International. Then, the VH lookup is done.
    • If the Call Type has already been determined to be International, Emergency, Mexico, Toll-Free, or Info, the VH lookup is not done.
    • If the To Number is 4 digits long, the default NPA-NXX set in the (v1) Tenant Management grid is used.
    • If the To Number is 7 digits long, the default NPA set in the (v1) Tenant Management grid is used.
    • If the To Number is 11 digits long and starts with a 1, the 1 is removed before the lookup.
    • If the To Number length is not 4, 7, 10 or greater, the To Number lookup is not done.

Call Date


Datatype is String.

Call Time


Datatype is String.

Call Duration


Datatype is String.

Call Date/Time


Datatype is String.

Auth Code

Datatype is String.

The Default value is blank.

Service ID

Datatype is String.

The Service ID To Bill the Call.

The call is billed to the provided Service ID value.

This could be a Phone Number, Authcode, or any billable service.

If one is not provided, the call is billed to the provided Authcode.

If there is no Authcode, it is billed to the Originating Number for Outgoing Calls or Dialed Number for Incoming Calls.

Bill Date

Datatype is String.

Call Type

Datatype is String.

Must be one of the CALLTYPE List Type values.

Common values are Local, Incoming, Intrastate, Interstate, International as well as others.


Datatype is String.

The Default value is $0.00.

Dialed City

Datatype is String.

The Default value is blank.

Dialed State

Datatype is String.

The Default value is blank.

Dialed LATA

Datatype is String.

The Default value is blank.

Originating LATA

Datatype is String.

Default value is blank.

Originating City

Datatype is String.

The Default value is blank.

Originating State

Datatype is String.

The Default value is blank.

Incoming Trunk

Datatype is String.

The Default value is blank.

Outgoing Trunk

Datatype is String.

Default value is blank.


Because of the very large volume of Imported data that can occur for Calls and Usage Imports, the Error reporting is done very differently. For other Imports, if an Error happens, the Error is reported in the Imported Records grid. For Calls and Usage, the Error is stored as a code in the Call or Usage record. The available codes are in this list. This list is shared for Calls and Usage. Some of these are specifically for Calls and never happen for Usage.

  • Column position not present in line
  • Missing end for split record
  • No Rate defined for this Call Type
  • No Service record for Service ID
  • Value not present in Lists table
  • No Service record for Originating Phone Number
  • Service ID not set
  • Multiple Service records for Service ID
  • Error reading column using format mask
  • Originating Phone Number not set
  • Multiple Service records for Originating Phone Number
  • Column defined as a number contains non-numeric data
  • Unable to determine Call Type
  • No Expense GLAs for Service
  • Zero or multiple matching Tenants
  • Missing Service, Service Host
  • Missing Service, Billing Group
  • Missing Service, Rating Group
  • No Service record for terminating Phone Number
  • Terminating Phone Number not set
  • No Service record for Authcode
  • Invalid duration
  • Invalid date
  • Invalid time
  • Can't determine Origination Location
  • Can't determine Termination Location
  • Missing Revenue GLAs for Service Catalog and Charge Catalog
  • Missing Billing Group for Service
  • Unknown Error


  • The Call Date and Time can be provided by the separate Date and Time fields or by the combined DateTime field.
  • The Call Time is considered invalid if it is more than 2 days in the future or if it is more than importFiles.ini.constants.CALL_MAX_AGE_DAYS old.
  • The internal Call Processing logic does not determine if a Call is Incoming. If the Call type is Incoming, it must be assigned in the Conditional Logic.
  • Either the From Number or the To Number MUST an existing Service ID.
  • A Service must exist for each Call. The Service must exist as a Phone, an Authcode, or a Trunk. The other Service Types is not considered in the Service ID lookup.
  • If a Service ID is provided, that value must exist as a Service.
    • else for Incoming Calls, the Dialed Number must exist as a Service ID.
    • else if an Authcode is provided, the Authcode Service ID must exist.
    • else for all other Outgoing Calls, the From Number must exist as a Service ID.

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