.Inventory Tabs v2019.2
This is a listing of all the tabs a User might encounter in the 'Inventory' section of PCR-360. To access the Inventory section navigate to Main > Inventory.
The 'Service Desk' tab provides a list of Service Desk Items that have been created for this Inventory item. Service Desk Items will appear immediately when it is created. If there are Items to review, such as a piece of Equipment being used in a Service Desk Order or an Incident, then the User can view that Order. When a related Service Desk Item to the Equipment becomes Archived, the Archived record.Service Desk
Viewing/Editing Service Desk Items
Archived Service Desk Items
Remarks are useful for making notes about a Return Order that might need to be recalled in the future. To add a Remark, follow these steps: The Remark will be added to the list along with a User ID and time stamp for tracking. Double-click or select the Clicking the Add Remark
View/Edit Remarks
Delete Selected
The 'Attachments' tab allows Users to attach file(s) (including .pdf, .jpg, .doc, and more) of interest or relevance to the Inventory item by uploading the file(s) into PCR-360. There is a file size limit of 10 Mb on attached files. This can help track documents related to a specific piece of Equipment like a repair order, scanned notes, or CAD diagrams. To attach one or more files, navigate to the 'Attachments' tab and click the Upload File(s)' Allows a User to download a file to their local machine. To download the file, select the file to download, and click the 'Download File' This will open the file, if possible, for viewing by the User. To open the file, select the file to view and click the 'Open File' Allows the name of the file to be modified within PCR-360. To edit the name select the file to be edited and click the 'Edit Selected' button. If a User modifies the name of the file, that is the new name that will be used when downloading the file. To edit simply modify the filename in the 'Filename:' field and click the 'Save' button. The 'Delete Selected' button Attachments
Uploading a File
Download File
Open File
Edit Selected
Delete Selected
The 'Billing' tab provides a listing of every Bill on which this Inventory item has appeared and the MRC, NRC, and Usage Totals that were Billed. To view a previous Bill, select the Bill from the grid and click the The Bill will open in a new tab and can be viewed, printed, or saved as a .pdf document.Billing
The 'Charges' tab provides the User access to manually control how each Inventory item is billed. A Charge that is added to an Inventory item will be automatically added to any Bill that the item is associated with. There are four functions that can be used to control these charges: Add, Edit, Delete, and Stop. These functions are ONLY made available on Equipment with a status of 'Assigned'. For the buttons to be made available on the 'Charges' tab, the Equipment must first be both 'Assigned' AND ' Billable'. After clicking the Charge Catalog. A Description is highly recommended for tracking. The User can select to prorate the Charges or not based on Billing needs. When a Start Date is set to be in the future, on a new Charge, the Charge will not take effect until that Date. Also, Service Desk Actions will ignore any Future Charges, so that the Charges will take effect on the desired Date. The Note: A default Expense GLA must be supplied on the Expense GLAs tab before Charges can be added. When a Charge is edited, the User is prompted to select when that Change should apply. Selecting the 'Effective Today' button will apply the change immediately while selecting 'Date to Last Billed' will begin as of the date of the last Bill Run. An example of the prompt is displayed below. It is sometimes necessary to manually delete or stop a Charge. There are certain restrictions in place to prevent deleting Charges that have been billed. After clicking the A User can stop a recurring Charge from continuing to be charged with the When an Alternate Recurring Charge is selected as the Charge Catalog (Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual Charges) for a new Charge, the form gains the addition of a Recurring Date field. This is the date that will be used by the Billing Process to determine which Bills the Charge should display on. The Recurring Date can not occur after the Start Date.Charges
Future Start Dates
Applying an Alternate Recurring Charge
The 'Contacts' tab provides the User the ability to manually associate Contacts with each Inventory item. These associated Contacts represent people who may be associated with the Inventory in some way. These Contacts are separate entries in the Workers/Contacts section of the application that is associated with this Inventory for tracking purposes. The User can manually manage these associations by using the 'Add', 'Add Existing', 'Edit Selected', and 'Delete Selected' functionality available on the Contacts tab. After clicking on the Workers/Contacts section of the application. After clicking the Sometimes it can be necessary to alter the existing information on an Inventory item. In order to do this PCR-360 has the Selecting the Contacts
Adding New Contacts
Adding Existing Contacts
Edit Selected
Delete Selected
The 'Equipment Children' will open another Manage Equipment form. This will add Equipment in a parent-child relationship similar to the Trees. When Equipment is added in this manner it will be able associated with the Parent Equipment. To add 'Equipment Children' a User can either create a new piece of Equipment or can add an existing piece of Equipment. To add a new piece of Equipment, click the The only difference from the standard 'Add New Equipment' form when a User is creating new Equipment, is that the 'Parent Equipment' picker will automatically be associated with the 'Parent Equipment' that the User started from. The User can then fill in the form just like any other Equipment form. After clicking the To add a new piece of Equipment, click the The grid will only display Equipment that is not already associated with another piece of Equipment. After clicking the Equipment Children
Adding a Child Equipment
Add New Equipment
Add Existing Equipment
This tab is of particular importance to the User organization's financial team in that it allows Users to set GLAs for new Equipment and edit those of existing Equipment. To set a Default GLA for Equipment, click the Search Icon in the 'Set Default GLA' field (see above) and select a GLA from the list. This field will add the selected GLA at 100% and will replace any 'Default' type existing GLAs in the grid above. Users can also specify GLAs by clicking From this new form, the User can set a single GLA or Multiple GLAs quickly and without having to re-open the form multiple times unlike in previous versions. There are three fields that can be edited on the table whether the User is Adding a Single GLA or Multiple GLAs. To add multiple GLAs on the 'Add New Expense GLA' form the User can follow these steps: The GLAs will have been added to grid on the 'Expense GLA' tab. To delete a single GLA record the User must follow these steps: The grid will update and the GLA will have been removed. When a GLA is changed for a different one, the User is prompted to select when that change should apply. Selecting "Effective Today" will apply the change immediately, while selecting "Date to Last Billed" will begin as of the date of the last Bill Run. An example of the prompt is displayed below.Expense GLAs
Managing GLA Entries
The first row of the table is added to the 'Add New Expense GLA' form by default. The User only needs to select the 'Expense Type', 'GLA', and 'Percent' and click .Single GLA
Multiple GLAs
Changing GLAs
The 'Inventory' tab is explained in full detail on the Warehouse grid.Inventory
Users can navigate to the 'Ports/Pins/Lens (PPL) Equipment grid' by following this path: Main > Inventory > Equipment > Ports/Pins/Lens. If a piece of Equipment has an Equipment Catalog that has the Cabling Equipment flag checked, then it will also have a tab labelled Ports/Pins/Lens. This shows all PPL originating from the equipment and to the equipment (if any) to which each PPL is connected. From this tab new PPLs may be added, edited, or removed. PCR-360 provides functionality for bulk PPL creation, editing, removal, copying, and transferring of PPL. PPL records can be directly modified on a specific Cabling Equipment record. These modifications will be consistent with the other rules of editing PPL records. More information on the available here. The Assuming a prefix Range of 1-3, a separator of " - ", and a low to high suffix of 1-5 the User would be adding 15 records with the Example Ports/Pins/Lens Suffix of '1' Suffix of '2' Suffix of '3' Suffix of '4' Suffix of '5' Prefix of '1' 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 Prefix of '2' 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 Prefix of '3' 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 The 'Ranges' is more than a simple Add form, however, and will allow the User to edit multiple PPL. If after adding the above table the User were to click the Ranges button again and enter a prefix of 2-3, and a suffix of 1-1 they would select the 2-1 and 3-1 PPL for editing. This functionality allows the User to quickly Add and assign status' to multiple PPL. The PPL Range form allows for Back-Connect Ranges. Below is the add new "Ranges" form from the Port/Pins/Lens grid on any Cabling Equipment. To use this feature, the user just needs to enter the Destination Equipment and designate a low prefix to a low suffix range to be added. This functionality allows the User to quickly connect multiple pieces of Equipment together, without having the connection appear in the Cable Path. When ports are transferred, any back connects are transferred along with the port. The The To Transfer a PPL Range, follow these steps: The To transfer all PPLs on Equipment, use the following steps. If a User has attempted to Transfer Child Equipment PPL during the The Ranges button should be used. The The Users can quickly renumber Ports/Pins/Lens (PPL) with the Transfer form. The selected Range will be renumbered and remain on the original Equipment record since the Origination Equipment and Destination Equipment fields match.Ports/Pins/Lens Equipment Grid
Back Connect Ranges
Transfer Range
Transfer All
Edit Selected
Delete Selected
Service Desk
View Path
The 'Network' tab will assign specific Network settings for the Equipment. The User can set the 'Host Name', 'LAN Name', 'MAC Address', and the IP settings. Of the fields on the Network tab for Equipment, the MAC Address field has special validations within PCR-360. Similar to Asset Tags, the MAC Address for a piece of Equipment is expected to be unique for each piece of Equipment. Note: When a MAC Address is saved, PCR-360 will apply standard formatting to it, and allow Users to search for them in the 360 Search.Network
The 'User Defined Fields' tab provides access to any extra fields that have been defined for the Equipment Catalog specified on each Equipment record. See Adding User Defined Fields for more information. These fields are added by Admin Users to store extra information that is not provided by default on Equipment records.User Defined Fields
The 'VLANs' tab allows the User to Add new VLANs to the Ports/Pins/Lens of a piece of Equipment or Add Existing VLANs.
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