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.Billing Parameters v2019.7


(day of the month)

The default is 1.

This is the default day of the month that will be pre-populated in the date fields when generating a Bill. There is also a Tenant specific override for this parameter called Default Bill Day of Month.


(true or false)

The default is True.

This parameter specifies whether the billing process will or will not include zero cost items in the bill. Specifying True will cause zero cost items to show up in the Bill and False will exclude them.


(true or false)

The default is False.

This parameter specifies whether a Monthly Recurring Charge(MRC) that has been changed (stopped and started with a new Charge) should be prorated even if the Charge Catalog item is not set to be prorated.


(string value)

The default is as follows:

"To all Coordinators,\n\nYour departmental monthly bill has been completed and is available for viewing at Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems accessing the PCR-360 CustomerCenter.\n\nThank you,\nDept of IT"

Note: The "\n" is a placeholder that indicates a new line in the inserted text and will not render to the form.

This parameter determines the text that is automatically added to the 'E-mail Body' field of the Email Coordinator functionality in Billing. When a User clicks the 'Email Coordinators'  button. This text can be customized to a specific organization's needs by contacting PCR to set this Configuration Option.


(options: ceil, floor, roundup or rounddown)

The default is "Ceil".

During Billing the process sometimes needs to round amounts. When this happens there are 4 (four) types of rounding that can be used:

  • Ceil – (Ceiling) a mathematical form of rounding that always goes up to the nearest whole number.
  • Floor – a mathematical form of rounding that always goes down to the nearest whole number.
  • Roundup – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) up.
  • Round down – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) down.

This parameter specifies the rounding method.


(true or false)

The default is True.

This flag controls whether to apply (True) or not apply (False) Tenant filters when viewing the formatted interactive Bill. The tenant filters will only allow you to see bill data for your tenants.

View Bill - Service ID Masking

These options control how Service IDs, like Auth Codes or Calling Cards, are displayed on the billing invoices (View Bill).



Default Setting


An option specifying the Text to display when outputting the Service ID for this item type.

The default for Auth Codes is "Auth Code".


An option that controls which side of the Auth Code to show either "front" or "back".

The default for Auth Codes is "back".


An option that controls how many characters of the Service ID to display.

The default for Auth Codes is 3.


An option specifying the Mask character that will replace the removed characters in the Service ID.

The default for Auth Codes is "*"

Calling Card Example:

formatting.bill.PHONE_CALLING_CARD.label = "Calling Card"
formatting.bill.PHONE_CALLING_CARD.side = "front"
formatting.bill.PHONE_CALLING_CARD.mask = "*"
formatting.bill.PHONE_CALLING_CARD.length = 5


(true or false)

The default is True.

This flag generates and assigns new Invoice numbers for each unique GLA number during the Billing run when the value is True.


(true or false)

The default is False.

This flag controls whether or not taxes are calculated and displayed on the Bill. All taxes are calculated based on the Billing Group Tax Rates . Additionally, Taxes will only be calculated if the "Taxable" flag is set on the GLA, Department Hierarchy, and Charge Catalog. For each Charge, there will be a line item for each Tax Rate specified. When Taxes are added to the Bill there will be a Tax Summary section that will include the Tax Summary section of the Bill. The default of false DOES NOT calculate taxes.


(true or false)

The default is False.

This flag controls whether or not the Fiscal wall is used when using Back Billing. If the configuration is True then Back Billing will use the Fiscal Date that is set in Tenant Management to prevent Charges from being created further in the past then the Fiscal Wall.




    • FREQ_MINUTE = "Every Minute";
    • FREQ_2MINUTE = "Every 2 Minutes";
    • FREQ_15MINUTE = "Every 15 Minutes";
    • FREQ_30MINUTE = "Every 30 Minutes";
    • FREQ_HOUR = "Hourly";
    • FREQ_DAY = "Daily";
    • FREQ_WEEKDAY = "Weekdays";
    • FREQ_WEEK = "Weekly";
    • FREQ_MONTH = "Monthly";
    • FREQ_QUARTER = "Quarterly";
    • FREQ_YEAR = "Yearly";


default = 14400


default = "%010d"

Controls the Invoice Format



default = 30

Controls how many days after the Bill is generated and approved that the Invoice is due.



default = "Make Checks Payable to: asdfasd asdfadsf. Accepted Credit cards: Visa, Amex, Discover."

This Configuration controls what the fine print text of the Remittance Coupon will look like.



default = "Sample Name"

Controls the default text of the Name field on the Remittance coupon to serve as a placeholder example.



default = "123 Sample St."

Controls the default text of the street field on the Remittance coupon to serve as a placeholder example.



default = "Sample City, MI 38293"

Controls the default text of the city field on the Remittance coupon to serve as a placeholder example.



Default value: '<div class="divider"></div><div class="remittance-container"><div class="remittance-row-1 clearfix"><span>(Fineprint Text: Makes Checks Payable to (Organization Name))</span></div><div class="remittance-row-2 clearfix"><div class="remittance-col-1"><p>(Organization Name)</p><p>(Street Address)</p><p>(City, State ZIP)</p></div><div class="remittance-col-2"><div>Due Date: ##DUE_DATE##</div><div>Invoice #: ##INVOICE_NUMBER##</div><div>Outstanding Balance: ##OUTSTANDING_BALANCE##</div><div>Total Included: __________</div></div></div></div>'

Contains the text for the Remittance Coupon.



Example: "#fcba03"

Default value: '' ('blank')

This is the border color on all the table rows



Example: "#fcba03"

Default value: '' ('blank')

This will change the color of the account info at the top, except for the values themselves (like the billed amount, for example).



Example: "#fcba03"

Default value: '' ('blank')

This will change the background color of all the even-numbered table rows.



Default value: "/media/images/print/pdf_hdr_1-2_10-7inch.jpg"

 This will set the logo image for the Invoice.



Default value: True

This determines if all Reports will display the current date on it.



default = "To all Primary Contacts, <br><br> Your monthly account invoice is available for viewing at Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems accessing the PCR-360 CustomerCenter. <br><br>Thank you,<br>Dept of IT"

Contains the text of the email that is sent to Contacts who have an Invoice.



default = "Hello, <br><br> A PDF of your recent payment receipt is attached. <br><br>Thank you,<br>Dept of IT"

Contains the text that appears in the email sent for received payments.


default = "/media/images/print/pdf_hdr_1-2_10-7inch.jpg"

Contains the file path of the image to be used as a header for the Invoice.



default = "PCR-360"

Controls the alternate text of the header image to comply with WAI Accessibility screen readers.


default = white

Controls the color of the text in header sections of the Invoice.


default = #003377

Controls the color of the background in header sections of the Invoice.


default = #BCCEEF

Controls the background color of the receipt amount.

default = #003377

Controls the color of the background in footer sections of the Invoice.

default = white;

Controls the color of the text in footer sections of the Invoice.


(options: ceil, floor, roundup or rounddown)

The default is "Ceil".

When calculating taxes the process sometimes needs to round amounts. When this happens there are 4 (four) types of rounding that can be used:

  • Ceil – (Ceiling) a mathematical form of rounding that always goes up to the nearest whole number.
  • Floor – a mathematical form of rounding that always goes down to the nearest whole number.
  • Roundup – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) up.
  • Round down – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 d¬¬own and then round .5 (specifically) down.

This parameter specifies the rounding method.

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