Custom Events Library
For details on writing a Custom Event Endpoint, please see our wiki article.
- .Custom Events Library v2019.2
- .Custom Events Library v2021.3
- .Custom Events Library v2022.1
- .Custom Events Library v2022.2
- Equipment Details Sync
- GLA Rollover
- Inactive Service Locations Clean Up
- Move Available Services to Parent
- Nightly Service Location Update
- Scheduled Maintenance
Equipment Details Sync
Sync Service GLA, Owner and Location to Equipment
<?php /** * Event: Custom PHP Event * Frequency: Hourly * Time: * Listener Class: Core_Model_Event * Listener Method: eventCustom */ PCR_Event::attachDb("equipment-bulk-update", ["Application_Model_Equipment_Equipment" => "eventBulkUpdate"]); $records = $this->query(<<<SQL SELECT S.RECID AS SERVICES_RECID, E.RECID AS EQUIPMENT_RECID, S.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID AS SERVICE_OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID, E.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID AS EQUIPMENT_OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID, S.OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID AS SERVICE_OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID, E.OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID AS EQUIPMENT_OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID, CASE WHEN S.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID IS NULL THEN SDH.BILLING_GROUPS_RECID WHEN SCON.BILLING_GROUPS_RECID IS NULL THEN SCON_DEPT.BILLING_GROUPS_RECID ELSE SCON.BILLING_GROUPS_RECID END AS SERVICE_BILLING_GROUP, CASE WHEN E.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID IS NULL THEN EDH.BILLING_GROUPS_RECID WHEN ECON.BILLING_GROUPS_RECID IS NULL THEN ECON_DEPT.BILLING_GROUPS_RECID ELSE ECON.BILLING_GROUPS_RECID END AS EQUIPMENT_BILLING_GROUP, SEG.GLA_RECID AS SERVICE_GLA, EEG.GLA_RECID AS EQUIPMENT_GLA, S.LOCATIONS_RECID AS SERVICE_LOCATION, E.LOCATIONS_RECID AS EQUIPMENT_LOCATION, S.MULTIPLE_LOCATIONS, COALESCE(EG.FORMAT,SG.FORMAT) AS GLA_FORMAT, E.BILLABLE, E.WARRANTY_END_DATE FROM SERVICES S JOIN SERVICES_EQUIPMENT SE ON S.RECID = SE.SERVICES_RECID JOIN EQUIPMENT E ON SE.EQUIPMENT_RECID = E.RECID LEFT JOIN DEPT_HIERARCHY EDH ON E.OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID = EDH.RECID LEFT JOIN DEPT_HIERARCHY SDH ON S.OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID = SDH.RECID LEFT JOIN CONTACTS ECON ON E.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID = ECON.RECID LEFT JOIN DEPT_HIERARCHY ECON_DEPT ON ECON.DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID = ECON_DEPT.RECID LEFT JOIN CONTACTS SCON ON S.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID = SCON.RECID LEFT JOIN DEPT_HIERARCHY SCON_DEPT ON SCON.DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID = SCON_DEPT.RECID LEFT JOIN SERVICES_EXPENSE_GLA SEG ON S.RECID = SEG.SERVICES_RECID LEFT JOIN EQUIPMENT_EXPENSE_GLA EEG ON E.RECID = EEG.EQUIPMENT_RECID LEFT JOIN LISTS SEGL ON SEG.EXPENSE_TYPE_LISTS_RECID = SEGL.RECID LEFT JOIN LISTS EEGL ON EEG.EXPENSE_TYPE_LISTS_RECID = EEGL.RECID LEFT JOIN GLA EG ON EEG.GLA_RECID = EG.RECID LEFT JOIN GLA SG ON SEG.GLA_RECID = SG.RECID WHERE -- GLAs are Default and 100% or are not set ( ((SEGL.CODE = 'DEFAULT' AND SEG.PERCENT = 100) OR SEGL.CODE IS NULL) AND ((EEGL.CODE = 'DEFAULT' AND SEG.PERCENT = 100) OR EEGL.CODE IS NULL) ) -- if the OWNER is different AND ( ( (S.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID <> E.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID AND S.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID IS NOT NULL AND E.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID IS NOT NULL) OR (S.OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID <> E.OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID AND S.OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID IS NOT NULL AND E.OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID IS NOT NULL) OR (S.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID IS NULL AND E.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID IS NOT NULL) OR (S.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID IS NOT NULL AND E.OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID IS NULL) OR (S.OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID IS NULL AND E.OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID IS NOT NULL) OR (S.OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID IS NOT NULL AND E.OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID IS NULL) ) -- if the location is different OR (NOT(S.LOCATIONS_RECID <=> E.LOCATIONS_RECID) AND S.MULTIPLE_LOCATIONS = 0) -- if the GLAs are different OR NOT(SEG.GLA_RECID <=> EEG.GLA_RECID ) ); SQL ); foreach ($records as $rec) { $eventParams = [ "contact" => 101452, // PCR Admin contact "users_recid" => 485, // pcradmin user "selectedEquipmentRecids" => [$rec['EQUIPMENT_RECID']], "gla_enabled" => false, "condition_enabled" => false, "cabling_eqp_type_enabled" => false, "status_enabled" => false, "location_enabled" => false, "assoc_service_enabled" => false, "equipment_type_enabled" => false, "dhcp_enabled" => false, "lan_name_enabled" => false, "host_name_enabled" => false, "private_enabled" => false, "billable_enabled" => false, "billable" => $rec["BILLABLE"], "war_date_enabled" => false, "war_date" => $rec["WARRANTY_END_DATE"], "dept_hier_owner_enabled" => false, "contact_owner_enabled" => false, // other junk from the EQP Bulk UPdate "gla_format" => $rec["GLA_FORMAT"], "selectedEquipmentTypeListRecid" => null, "isLocationRequired" => null, "comment" => null, ]; if (empty($rec['SERVICE_OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID']) && $rec['SERVICE_OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID'] != $rec['EQUIPMENT_OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID'] ) { $eventParams['dept_hier_owner_enabled'] = true; $eventParams['dept_hier_owner'] = $rec['SERVICE_OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID']; } elseif(empty($rec['SERVICE_OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID']) && $rec['SERVICE_OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID'] != $rec['EQUIPMENT_OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID'] ) { $eventParams['contact_owner_enabled'] = true; $eventParams['contact_owner'] = $rec['SERVICE_OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID']; } elseif(empty($rec['SERVICE_OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID']) && $rec['SERVICE_OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID'] == $rec['EQUIPMENT_OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID'] ) { // Equipment has both Contact and Dept Owners - // @see // updating the contact Owner even though it is already set will clear the Dept Owner $eventParams['contact_owner_enabled'] = true; $eventParams['contact_owner'] = $rec['SERVICE_OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID']; } if($rec['MULTIPLE_LOCATIONS'] == "0" && $rec['SERVICE_LOCATION'] != $rec['EQUIPMENT_LOCATION'] ){ $eventParams['location_enabled'] = true; $eventParams['location'] = $rec['SERVICE_LOCATION']; } if($rec['SERVICE_GLA'] != $rec['EQUIPMENT_GLA']){ $eventParams['gla_enabled'] = true; $eventParams['gla'] = $rec['SERVICE_GLA']; } // Only trigger the bulk update if any of the options are enabled. Otherwise nothing is changing, there is no // need to trigger a bulk update if nothing is changing. if($eventParams['dept_hier_owner_enabled'] || $eventParams['location_enabled'] || $eventParams['gla_enabled'] || $eventParams['contact_owner_enabled'] ){ PCR_Event::trigger("equipment-bulk-update", $eventParams); } }
GLA Rollover
This Custom Event relies on UDFs for 'End_Date' and "Rollover_GLA" to roll over a GLA for billing on a given date.
/** * Event: Custom PHP Event * Frequency: Daily * Time: 12:00am * Listener Class: Core_Model_Event * Listener Method: eventCustom */ $glas = $this->query(<<<SQL SELECT G.STATUS AS STATUS, V.GLA_FULL_CODES AS OLD_GLA, G.RECID AS OLD_GLA_RECID, V1.GLA_FULL_CODES AS NEW_GLA, G1.RECID AS NEW_GLA_RECID, U2.DATETIME_VALUE AS END_DATE FROM V_GLA_COMP_COMB_ADMIN V INNER JOIN GLA G ON V.RECID = G.RECID INNER JOIN USER_DEFINED_FIELDS_VALS U1 ON G.RECID = U1.TABLE_RECID AND U1.TABLE_NAME = 'GLA' AND U1.UDF_RECID = ( SELECT RECID FROM USER_DEFINED_FIELDS WHERE LABEL = 'Rollover_GLA' ) LEFT JOIN GLA G1 ON G1.RECID = U1.INTEGER_VALUE LEFT JOIN V_GLA_COMP_COMB_ADMIN V1 ON G1.RECID = V1.RECID INNER JOIN USER_DEFINED_FIELDS_VALS U2 ON G.RECID = U2.TABLE_RECID AND U2.TABLE_NAME = 'GLA' AND U2.UDF_RECID = ( SELECT RECID FROM USER_DEFINED_FIELDS WHERE LABEL = 'End_Date' ) WHERE U2.DATETIME_VALUE IS NOT NULL AND U2.DATETIME_VALUE <= NOW() AND G.STATUS = 1 ; SQL ); $results = ["deactivateGla" => [], "activateGla" => [], "rolledGla" => []]; PCR_Event::attachDb("replace-gla", [ "Application_Model_Gla_Gla" => "eventReplaceGla" ]); foreach ($glas as $gla) { // deactivate anything with past end_date $results["deactivateGla"][] = $gla["OLD_GLA_RECID"]; // only Roll to the new GLA if there is a new GLA if(!empty($gla["NEW_GLA_RECID"])) { $results["activateGla"][] = $gla["NEW_GLA_RECID"]; // only rollover if the END_DATE was within the last 30 days if (time() - strtotime($gla["END_DATE"]) < (30 * 24 * 60 * 60)) { $results["rolledGla"][] = $gla["OLD_GLA_RECID"]; PCR_Event::trigger("replace-gla", [ "contact" => 101452, // PCR Admin contact "users_recid" => 485, // pcradmin user "glaRecid" => [$gla["OLD_GLA_RECID"]], "replaceGlaRecid" => $gla["NEW_GLA_RECID"], "prorate" => true, "setInactiveGla" => true, "comment" => "Nightly GLA Rollover from {$gla['OLD_GLA']} to {$gla['NEW_GLA']} recid" . " {$gla['OLD_GLA_RECID']} to {$gla['NEW_GLA_RECID']}", ]); } } } // if anything Rolled/Deactivated then we need to fire that event if(!empty($results["activateGla"]) || !empty($results["rolledGla"]) || !empty($results["deactivateGla"])){ $results["ACTIVATE_COUNT"] = count($results["activateGla"]); $results["DEACTIVATE_COUNT"] = count($results["deactivateGla"]); $results["ROLLED_COUNT"] = count($results["rolledGla"]); // set the gla-status event and attach for a notification too PCR_Event::attachDb("gla-status", [ "Core_Model_Notification" => "eventSend", "Application_Model_Gla_Gla" => "eventGlaStatus" ]); PCR_Event::trigger("gla-status", $results); } else { $results["ACTIVATE_COUNT"] = $results["DEACTIVATE_COUNT"] = $results["ROLLED_COUNT"] = 0; // set the gla-status event and attach for a notification to indicate no glas rolled over PCR_Event::attachDb( "gla-status", [ "Core_Model_Notification" => "eventSend", "Application_Model_Gla_Gla" => "eventGlaStatus" ] ); PCR_Event::trigger("gla-status", $results); }
Inactive Service Locations Clean Up
<?php /** * IN201620553 - Created to clean up Inactive service locations and owners before aging occurs. * Event: Custom PHP Event * Frequency: Hourly * Time: * Listener Class: Core_Model_Event * Listener Method: eventCustom * Description: This event queries for Inactive services with billed charges (or no charges at all) * and triggers the service bulk update to remove the owner and location. */ PCR_Event::attachDb('services-bulk-update', ['Application_Model_Service_Service' => 'eventBulkUpdate']); $records = $this->query(<<<SQL SELECT DISTINCT S.RECID AS SERVICES_RECID, FROM SERVICES AS S JOIN LISTS AS L ON L.RECID = S.SERVICE_STATUS_LISTS_RECID LEFT JOIN SERVICES_CHARGES AS SC ON S.RECID = SC.SERVICES_RECID LEFT JOIN CHARGES AS C ON C.ORIG_TABLE_NAME = 'SERVICES_CHARGES' AND C.ORIG_TABLE_RECID = SC.RECID LEFT JOIN CHARGES_BILLED AS CB_MAX ON CB_MAX.CHARGES_RECID = C.RECID LEFT JOIN CHARGES_BILLED AS CB_MIN ON CB_MIN.CHARGES_RECID = C.RECID AND CB_MAX.RECID < CB_MIN.RECID LEFT JOIN BILLS AS B ON B.RECID = CB_MAX.BILLS_RECID WHERE L.CODE = 'INACTIVE' AND S.LOCATIONS_RECID IS NOT NULL AND ( CB_MAX.BILLING_COMPLETE = 1 OR SC.RECID IS NULL ) AND CB_MIN.RECID IS NULL GROUP BY S.RECID, SC.RECID LIMIT 400; SQL ); $eventParams = [ 'contact' => 101452, // PCR Admin contact 'users_recid' => 485, // pcradmin user ]; //$eventParams['contact_owner_enabled'] = '1'; //$eventParams['contact_owner'] = null; //$eventParams['dept_hier_owner_enabled'] = '1'; //$eventParams['dept_hier_owner'] = null; $eventParams['location_enabled'] = '1'; $eventParams['location'] = null; $eventParams['comment'] = 'Cleanup event to remove Locations from Inactive Services'; if(!empty($records)){ foreach ($records as $rec) { $eventParams['selectedServiceRecids'][] = $rec['SERVICES_RECID']; } PCR_Event::trigger('services-bulk-update', $eventParams); }
Move Available Services to Parent
Move Available Services to their Parent Category
<?php // >>>> COPY START !!! <<<< // /** * This looks for any Phone Services which, after aging are changed from 'Inactive' to 'Available', and which * are in any of the child Categories of 'Telephones & Voicemail'. It then creates a Bulk Update Event to * move those Services to the parent. * * Note: The child Catalog Type must be 'Phone'. * * Event: Custom PHP Event * Frequency: Daily * Time: * Listener Class: Core_Model_Event * Listener Method: eventCustom */ PCR_Event::attachDb('services-bulk-update', ['Application_Model_Service_Service' => 'eventBulkUpdate']); $parentCatalogRecidSql = <<<SQL SELECT RECID FROM SERV_CATALOG WHERE SERVICE_NAME = 'Telephones & Voicemail' SQL; $listsRecidSql = <<<SQL SELECT LISTS.RECID FROM LISTS LEFT JOIN LIST_TYPES ON LISTS.LIST_TYPES_RECID = LIST_TYPES.RECID WHERE LIST_TYPES.TYPE = 'SERVICE_TYPE' AND LISTS.CODE = 'PHONE'; SQL; if (($parentCatalogRecid = $this->query($parentCatalogRecidSql)) && ($listsRecid = $this->query($listsRecidSql)) ) { $parentCatalogRecid = (int) $parentCatalogRecid[0]['RECID']; $listsRecid = (int) $listsRecid[0]['RECID']; $servicesToMoveSql = <<<SQL SELECT SERVICES.RECID FROM SERVICES LEFT JOIN LISTS ON SERVICES.SERVICE_STATUS_LISTS_RECID = LISTS.RECID LEFT JOIN LIST_TYPES ON LISTS.LIST_TYPES_RECID = LIST_TYPES.RECID WHERE LISTS.CODE = 'AVAILABLE' AND LIST_TYPES.TYPE = 'SERVICE_STATUS' AND SERVICES.SERV_CATALOG_RECID IN ( SELECT SERV_CATALOG_FULLPATH.SERV_CATALOG_RECID FROM SERV_CATALOG_FULLPATH LEFT JOIN SERV_CATALOG ON SERV_CATALOG_FULLPATH.SERV_CATALOG_RECID = SERV_CATALOG.RECID LEFT JOIN LISTS ON SERV_CATALOG.SERVICE_TYPE_LISTS_RECID = LISTS.RECID LEFT JOIN LIST_TYPES ON LISTS.LIST_TYPES_RECID = LIST_TYPES.RECID WHERE PATH_SERV_CATALOG_RECID = {$parentCatalogRecid} AND SERV_CATALOG_RECID <> {$parentCatalogRecid} AND LISTS.CODE = 'PHONE' AND LIST_TYPES.TYPE = 'SERVICE_TYPE' ) SQL; $userSql = <<<SQL SELECT RECID, CONTACTS_RECID FROM USERS WHERE USERID = 'pcr' SQL; if (($servicesToMove = $this->query($servicesToMoveSql)) && ($user = $this->query($userSql)) ) { $eventParams = [ 'service_type_enabled' => 1, 'location_enabled' => 0, 'status_enabled' => 0, 'service_host_enabled' => 0, 'sla_enabled' => 0, 'contact_owner_enabled' => 0, 'dept_hier_owner_enabled' => 0, 'gla_enabled' => 0, 'pools_enabled' => 0, 'billable_enabled' => 0, 'directory_enabled' => 0, 'essential_enabled' => 0, 'report_911_enabled' => 0, 'isLocationRequired' => 0, 'isServiceHostRequired' => 0, 'contact' => (int) $user[0]['CONTACTS_RECID'], 'users_recid' => (int) $user[0]['RECID'], 'service_type' => $parentCatalogRecid, 'selectedServiceTypeListRecid' => $listsRecid, 'comment' => 'Custom Event: Move all "Available" Services to parent Catalog.' ]; foreach ($servicesToMove as $service) { $eventParams['selectedServiceRecids'][] = (int) $service['RECID']; } PCR_Event::trigger('services-bulk-update', $eventParams); } } // >>>> COPY STOP !!! <<<< // ?>
Nightly Service Location Update
/** * Event: Custom PHP Event * Frequency: Daily * Time: 12:00am * Listener Class: Core_Model_Event * Listener Method: eventCustom */ $services = $this->query( "SELECT S.RECID AS SERVICE_RECID, L.RECID AS LOCATION_RECID FROM PCR360_PROD.SERVICES S JOIN PCR360_PROD.PATHS P ON P.SERVICES_RECID = S.RECID JOIN PCR360_PROD.PATH_LEGS PL ON PL.PATHS_RECID = P.RECID JOIN PCR360_PROD.EQUIPMENT E ON PL.FROM_EQUIPMENT_RECID = E.RECID JOIN PCR360_PROD.LOCATIONS L ON E.LOCATIONS_RECID = L.RECID JOIN PCR360_PROD.EQP_CATALOG EC ON E.EQP_CATALOG_RECID = EC.RECID WHERE S.MULTIPLE_LOCATIONS = 0 AND EC.PART_NUMBER = 'Jacks' AND S.LOCATIONS_RECID != E.LOCATIONS_RECID" ); PCR_Event::attachDb("services-bulk-update", [ "Application_Model_Service_Service" => "eventBulkUpdate" ]); foreach ($services as $service) { PCR_Event::trigger("services-bulk-update", [ "selectedServiceRecids" => [$service["SERVICE_RECID"]], "location_enabled" => "1", "location" => $service["LOCATION_RECID"], "service_type_enabled" => "0", "status_enabled" => "0", "service_host_enabled" => "0", "sla_enabled" => "0", "contact_owner_enabled" => "0", "dept_hier_owner_enabled" => "0", "gla_enabled" => "0", "pools_enabled" => "0", "billable_enabled" => "0", "directory_enabled" => "0", "essential_enabled" => "0", "report_911_enabled" => "0", "isLocationRequired" => true, "isServiceHostRequired" => false, "selectedServiceTypeListRecid" => null, "selectedServiceFilters" => [], "billable" => "0", "essential" => "0", "directory" => "0", "status" => "1", "report_911" => "0", "users_recid" => "2", "contact" => "2", "comment" => "nightly jack/service location update", ]); }
Scheduled Maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance required for Equipment is a key component in using PCR-360 for Facilities Management. Users can set up a Custom Event that will assist in scheduling regular maintenance for Equipment by automatically creating Incidents for that Equipment to be maintained. In order to create this automated behavior first there need to be three User Defined Fields (UDFs) set to track needed maintenance.
To set up the UDFs first navigate to Admin > User Defined Fields > User Defined Fields. Create the UDFs needed by following these steps:
- Create a Maintenance Period Type UDF
- Create a new UDF by clicking the 'Add' button.
- In the 'UDF Identifier' field set the value to "MAINTENANCE_PERIOD_TYPE".
- Add a 'Label' of "Maintenance Period".
- Set the 'Field Type' to "Dropdown".
- The header should look like this example:
- In the 'UDF Associations' click the 'Add'
- Set the 'Association Table' dropdown to "Eqp Catalog"
- Click the 'Save New' button.
- Close the 'Manage Field Association' form.
button to open the 'Add New Field Association' form. - Click the 'Save New' button to save the UDF.
- When the form refreshes select the 'Dropdown Options' tab.
- Click the 'Add'
- Add a 'Value' and 'Code' of "Years".
- Add a 'Value' and 'Code' of "Months".
- Add a 'Value' and 'Code' of "Days".
- When done the options should look like this:
button and add three new options:
- Click the 'Add'
- Close the 'Manage Field Association' form.
- Create a Maintenance Period Quantity UDF
- Create a new UDF by clicking the 'Add' button.
- In the 'UDF Identifier' field set the value to "MAINTENANCE_PERIOD_QTY".
- Add a 'Label' of "Maintenance Period Quantity".
- Set the 'Field Type' to "Number".
- The header should look like this example:
- In the 'UDF Associations' click the 'Add'
- Set the 'Association Table' dropdown to "Eqp Catalog"
- Click the 'Save New' button.
- Close the 'Manage Field Association' form.
button to open the 'Add New Field Association' form. - Click the 'Save New'
- Create a Maintenance Date UDF
- Create a new UDF by clicking the 'Add' button.
- In the 'UDF Identifier' field set the value to "MAINTENANCE_DATE.
- Add a 'Label' of "Maintenance Date".
- Set the 'Field Type' to "Date".
- The header should look like this example:
- In the 'UDF Associations' click the 'Add'
- Set the 'Association Table' dropdown to "Equipment"
- Select an 'Equipment Catalog' to limit the UDF to the type that should set for the regular maintenance.
- Click the 'Save New' button.
- Close the 'Manage Field Association' form.
button to open the 'Add New Field Association' form. - Click the 'Save New' button to save the UDF.
Once all of three of the UDFs have been created the next step is to add a Custom Event. To add the Custom Event follow these steps:
- Navigate to Admin > Custom Logic > Events.
- Click the 'Add' button to start a new Event.
- Set the 'Identifier' field to "Scheduled Maintenance".
- In the 'Logic' tab enter the logic from the "Schedule Maintenance" expand below:
Click the 'Save New'
Now that initial data set up is finished, simply find the Equipment Catalog from step 1 and enter information into the two UDFs setup in steps 1 and 2, Maintenance Period and Maintenance Period Quantity respectively. The Quantity should represent how many periods should pass before triggering the event. For example, to set a maintenance period every 3 months, set the Quantity to "3". Next, open the Equipment record and set the Maintenance Period Date UDF to the next Maintenance Date.The Custom Event will now automatically run in the background. When the Custom Event runs, a new Incident for each Equipment with a Maintenance Date that matches the current date will be created and then the Maintenance Date will be set to the next interval period. These Incidents can then be worked normally to accomplish the regularly scheduled maintenance tasks.
Help Desk Portal - Email: - Phone: 616.259.9242