Custom Validation Library
Custom Validation Library
For details on writing a Custom Validation, please see our wiki article.
- .Custom Validation Library v2019.2
- .Custom Validation Library v2021.3
- .Custom Validation Library v2022.1
- MFK Validation with cURL
- Prevent Duplicate Charge Catalog Entries
- Prevent Duplicate Equipment Catalog Entries
- Service Orders Require Owner
Prevent Duplicate Charge Catalog Entries
This Custom Logic is for a Custom Validation.
Prevent Duplicate Charge Catalogs
/** * Prevents duplicate name/type combinations in the CHRG_CATALOG table. * * Description: Prevent Duplicate CHRG_CATALOG Entries * Table Name: CHRG_CATALOG * Table Record: null * Action: Save */ $query = "SELECT RECID FROM CHRG_CATALOG WHERE NAME = '" . $params["charge_name"] . "' AND CHARGE_TYPE_LISTS_RECID = " . $params["type"]; $existing = $this->query($query); if (isset($existing[0]["RECID"]) && ($existing[0]["RECID"] !== $data["RECID"])) { $this->setMessage('Save failed: there already exists a Charge Catalog record with the same name/type combination'); return false; } return true;
Prevent Duplicate Equipment Catalog Entries
Prevent duplicate Equipment Catalogs
Prevent Duplicate Equipment Catalog Entires
<?php /** * Prevents duplicate manufacturer/manufacturer part number combinations in the EQP_CATALOG table. * * Description: Prevent Duplicate EQP_CATALOG Entries * Table Name: EQP_CATALOG * Table Record: null * Action: Save */ $query = "SELECT RECID FROM EQP_CATALOG WHERE MANUFACTURER = '" . $params["manufacturer"] . "' AND MANU_PART_NUM = '" . $params["manu_part_num"] . "'"; $existing = $this->query($query); if (isset($existing[0]["RECID"]) && ($existing[0]["RECID"] !== $data["RECID"])) { $this->setMessage('Save failed: there already exists an Equipment Catalog record with the same manufacturer/manufacturer part number combination'); return false; } return true;
Service Orders Require Owner
This Custom Logic is for a Custom Validation.
Service Orders Require Owner
if ($data["RECID"] != "addNew" && $params['sd_type'] == 'sd-service-order' && $data['SD_STATUS_LISTS_RECID'] == $this->listGetByCode('SD_STATUS', 'COMPLETE') && empty($data['D_OWNER_CONTACTS_RECID']) && empty($data['D_OWNER_DEPT_HIERARCHY_RECID']) ) { $this->setMessage("An owner is required to complete the order. <br>" . "Please select an owner then save the record again."); return false; } // return true;
, multiple selections available,
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