(2024.1) Bill Coordinator E-mail Event
(2024.1) Bill Coordinator E-mail Event
The Bill Coordinator E-mail Event can be triggered using Custom Logic. The following parameters are Required to execute the Event.
Bill Coordinator E-mail
* Event: Bill coordinator email
* Listener Class: Application_Model_Bill_Bill
* Listener Method: eventGenerateEmail
["Application_Model_Bill_Bill" => "eventGenerateEmail"]
"billRecid" => "443", //RecID of Bill E-mail is about
"role" => "5", //RecID of Coordinator Role
"subject" => "Billing Transactions for August 1, 2022 - August 31, 2022", //Subject of E-mail
"emailBody" => "Billing E-mail Test", //Body of E-mail
"RECID" => "443", //RecID of Bill E-mail is about
"reportOptions" => [],
"contact" => "216121", //RecID of Contact that initiated the E-mail process
"eventBroadcastBy" => "216121",
"eventBroadcastTime" => "Sep 30, 2022, 10:31 am",
"eventBroadcastDayofWeek" => "5",
"eventBroadcastHourMin" => "1031",