(2024.1) Pairs/Strands Bulk Update Event
(2024.1) Pairs/Strands Bulk Update Event
The Pairs/Strands Bulk Update Event can be triggered using Custom Logic. The following parameters are Required to execute the Event.
Pairs/Strands Bulk Update
* Event: Pairs/Strands Bulk Update requested
* Listener Class: Cabling_Model_PairStrand
* Listener Method: eventBulkRange
//*NOTE* Only triggered if a change affect more than 100 pair/strands
["Cabling_Model_PairStrand" => "eventBulkRange"]
"type" => "Pairs\/Strands",
"method" => "savePairStrand",
"params" =>
"from_name" => "FT-Bulk pair\/strands",
"update_end_points" => "0",
"low_pair" => "1",
"high_pair" => "120",
"multiple" => "0",
"description" => null,
"length" => null,
"destEqpDesc" => "2018-b3",
"destEqpLoc" => "Washington DC 1455 Pennsylvania Ave NW : OC604X 1125",
"modified_by" => "Frank",
"modified_date" => "10\/05\/2022 13:16:08",
"origEqp_display" => "q1",
"destEqp_display" => "q6",
"form-action" => "save",
"bulkType" => "update",
"TO_EQUIPMENT_RECID" => "698117",
"CABLES_RECID" => "5516",
"confirmed" => true
"formFieldKey" =>
"from_name" => "NAME",
"update_end_points" => "UPDATE_END_POINTS",
"modified_by" => "MODIFIED_BY",
"modified_date" => "MODIFIED_DATE",
"multiple" => "MULTIPLE",
"description" => "DESCRIPTION",
"length" => "LENGTH",
"destEqp" => "TO_EQUIPMENT_RECID",
"prefixRange" =>
"rangeSize" => "120",
"comment" => "This is a comment",
"users_recid" => "1217",
"contact" => "216121",
"cronEvent" => true,