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(v1) .GLA Imports v2018.1


This Import allows the User to INSERT new records or UPDATE existing GLAs into the GLA Catalog grid.

Matches ON

The GLA Import uses the full GLA Account string to match against any existing GLAs. If no match is found, the record from the Import File will INSERT. If a match is found, the other fields of the Import can UPDATE.



Datatype is String

Formats can not be more than 14 characters in length

The default GLA will be what any picker or grid should default to if a GLA is not explicitly selected

GLA Account


Datatype is String.

CANNOT be Updated.

A combination of all the GLA Components in a single string with individual Components separated by the value stored in GLA_CONCATENATOR.

Multiple levels of a hierarchy "path" (like Locations, GLAs, and Catalogs) are connected by the HIERARCHYPATH_SEPARATOR string. The default value for this string is right angle-brace (>) with a space on either side: " > "

When importing nested Locations, the separator you use for each level of the hierarchy must match the concatenator string.

For example, Site A > Building B > Room C.

GLA Description

Datatype is String.

A combination of all the GLA Component Descriptions in a single string with individual Descriptions separated the value stored in GLA_CONCATENATOR.

Multiple levels of a hierarchy "path" (like Locations, GLAs, and Catalogs) are connected by the HIERARCHYPATH_SEPARATOR string. The default value for this string is right angle-brace (>) with a space on either side: " > "

When importing nested Locations, the separator you use for each level of the hierarchy must match the concatenator string.

For example, Site A > Building B > Room C.

Speed Code

Datatype is String.


Datatype is String.


Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to True [1].

Permitted Values are 1, True, or Yes set the Flag to True.

All other values enter as False [0].


Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to True [1].

Permitted Values are 1, True, or Yes set the Flag to True.

All other values enter as False [0].


Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to True [1].

Permitted Values are 1, True, or Yes set the Flag to True.

All other values enter as False [0].


Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to True [1].

Permitted Values are 1, True, or Yes set the Flag to True.

All other values enter as False [0].


Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to False [0].

Permitted Values are 1, True, or Yes set the Flag to True.

All other values enter as False [0].

Customer Number

Datatype is String.

If a Customer Number is provided, it must exist already for it to be added to the GLA.

If it does not exist, it causes a warning.

The GLA will INSERT but the Customer does not.

Contact Primary

Datatype is Boolean.

Only used if Customer Number is provided.

Defaults to True [1].

Permitted Values are 1, True, or Yes set the Flag to True.

All other values enters as False [0].


Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to Active [1].

Permitted Values are 1, True, Yes, or Active set the Status to Active.

All other values enter as Inactive [0].

Format Defaults to the value of the Configuration Option: GLA_FORMAT_DEFAULT.

Must be a valid GLA Format from the Configuration Option: GLA_FORMATS.

Street Address

Datatype is String.

If any of the Address fields are filled, they all become Required except for the Address2 field.


Datatype is String.


Datatype is String.


Datatype is String.

Permitted values must be the 2 letter, all caps abbreviation (MI) or full state name with a capitalized first letter (Michigan).

Zip Code

Datatype is String.

Address Type

Datatype is String.

Blank values are NOT allowed.

Permitted values are from the ADDRESS_TYPE (v1) List Values : Billing, Warehouse, or Office.

Any values added by a User to the ADDRESS_TYPE List can also be used.

Values not in the List are not added.

Do not use Column Mapping if there are possible blank values for Address Type use Conditional assignment instead.


AR Type

Datatype is String

Must be one of the AR_TYPE List Type Values. Common values are Employee, International Student, County Extension as well as others.

Requires the 'Accounts Receivable' license, otherwise that line in the import file will failFor more information see the AR Wiki page.

AR Status

Datatype is String

Must be one of the AR_STATUS List Type Values. Common values are Pre-paid, Payment Plan, Hold on Account as well as others.

Requires the 'Accounts Receivable' license, otherwise that line in the import file will failFor more information see the AR Wiki page.

Service Fee Percent

Datatype is String

Requires the 'Accounts Receivable' license, otherwise that line in the import file will fail. For more information see the AR Wiki page.

Child Records

GLA Charges are a Child record of GLA Charges. They are handled on a separate Import File.

Flags / Conditional Logic

Default Value = True. If the APPEND_ADDRESS flag is False AND if there are any other Addresses on this GLA that have the same Address type, remove them. If this Address is not already on this GLA with the same Address type, add it. APPEND_ADDRESS, as described above, allows an Address of the same type to be appended to the Address list.

Defaults Value = True. If this is set to false, the Import ignores any GLA records in the input that already exist.

By default, the number of components from the format definition is used. The GLA Import needs to know how many GLA components to expect. This flag can override that default.


The following errors are displayed if the record fails to Save:

  • Error : GLA Format '<format>' is not valid
  • Error : Failed to save GLA record; <errorMessage>
  • Error : Not Accounts Receivable
  • Error : Value not present in LISTS table for AR_TYPE, value("<AR_TYPE>")
  • Error : Value not present in LISTS table for AR_STATUS, value("<AR_STATUS>")
  • Error : Service Fee Percent must be numeric
  • Error : Service Fee Percent must be greater than zero

These errors do not indicate the record failed to Save, but generate warnings. The Child data associated with the warnings do not save:

  • Warning : Could not find the Contact for <CUSTOMER_NUMBER>
  • Warning : Invalid blank Street Address
  • Warning : Invalid blank City
  • Warning : Invalid blank State
  • Warning : Invalid blank Zip Code
  • Warning : Invalid state <state> in address
  • Warning : Failed to save Address record <errorMessage>
  • Warning : Failed to Add GLA Address record; <errorMessage>


Once a GLA is created, the Expense Flag and Revenue Flag become read-only. If an import tries to update one of these flags on an existing GLA record, those fields are not updated and no warning occurs.

UDF Associations

User Defined Fields on any given Import are all handled the same way with Conditional Logic. For more information about adding a UDF to the Import see the section of the Imports main page.

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